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“Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.” So those who rely on faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.”


“Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands.  Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever.”

Psalm 112:1-3

“ chosen ones will long enjoy the work of their hands. They will not labor in vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the Lord, they and their descendants with them.”


“The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their children after them.”


“They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”


“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.”



Great strides have been taken for My kingdom. I have moved My pawns into place. They will be the lightgivers. They will usher in the harvest of souls coming in at a rapid pace. They will be those whose hearts and lives line up with My will and purpose.

Never before has there been a day like it! I am stripping the haughty and bringing them to their knees. I am moving in an unprecedented way to line things up with My will and purpose. I am moving mightily to take down strongholds of the enemy over your household. Yes, I am at work setting the captives free, so rejoice, and do not let the enemy steal your joy. I am lifting the stigma off your household, lifting the ban, and you and your offspring shall walk in holiness.

There will be no power that is able to hold back what I am doing in this day. I shall take your children into the deep things of My Spirit. I shall gird them up and set their feet upon the Rock of Christ. This is the day of promises fulfilled. What I have promised, I will do, says the Lord your God. I shall set the whole house in order.

So rejoice and sing, for I have moved you into the miraculous. I have opened the doors of Heaven and released such a display of My handiwork, you will stand in awe. Anticipate great things. Expect great things from a great God who neither sleeps nor slumbers. All your children shall be blessed of the Lord. All your children shall rise up in My authority in this day. Your youth shall be put on display as those who have gone through the fire and come through to the other side. This is the day of household salvation. This is the day when I shall raise the dead. This is the day when I shall put the house in order and present to the world a Bride without spot or wrinkle. 

Rest in the assurance that I am able to do all things, that I am able to put the accuser of the brethren to flight. I am setting things up in your household according to My good pleasure. Even your sons and your daughters will recognize that I have moved in and taken over.

Resign yourself to trusting Me for the details of what I am doing. Know that I am looking after specific detail. I will break the power that tries to interfere with My purposes. Your sons and your daughters shall walk out in complete health, for I shall break the cycle that has been at work and nullify damage. I shall mount your youth up with wings as the eagle and they shall take flight. Grace and peace shall be poured out upon them.

Keep these promises in mind. Do not lose hold of them, for they are coming to pass at a rapid pace. I have granted to you My peace. Rest assured that I am on the move to bring your household into line with My will and purpose. I will demonstrate My power in your midst in such a way that all will stand up and take notice. I will transfer wealth and equity from one to the next and tap into resources within the confines of the home. Watch and you will see how I have made My way known among you. Watch and see how I take apart the existing hierarchy of rulership and establish My rule. This is the work I am doing in your midst by the power of My Spirit. This is the stepping stone to ushering in My glory. All households of the Earth shall be blessed. All households shall function by the standard that I am erecting in this day.

Great joy is coming to your household, great joy beyond what you could imagine. Did I not say that I would break the power of the intimidator? Did I not say that I would apprehend the enemy and move My standard of holiness into place? Well this is what is happening amongst those who put their trust in Me.  I am sovereignly moving to establish righteousness in the Earth through one household to the next. Great are My ways, says the Lord your God. Great are My ways, high above the ways of men!

Resist the devil and he will flee. Stand strong against the power of wickedness and you will see the enemy flee. This is the day of household salvation. Whole households shall be brought to the foot of the cross. Whole households shall line up with My will and purposes. This is the day to reinforce My counsel in the midst of the people. This is the day when unrighteousness shall be replaced with holiness unto the Lord. Watch Me bring everyone of your household into obedience.  I will deal with the fleshman. I will pronounce it dead and buried. Watch to see as I crucify it completely and birth forth a new man in Christ. 

Rejoice, for those things you never dreamed possible are coming into view. I am moving the promises forward. It won’t be long before many are fulfilled as prophesied. There is a swift wind blowing. It will sweep across the land to bring multitudes into the Kingdom of God.


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