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My word is going forth in this day to bring healing to the nations. Never has there been a day like this! Multitudes are turning their back on sin and seeking the living God. You will see this in your midst, whole communities turning to God. It is not far away. The time is near when the hearts of men will beat for the Lord their God as they willingly surrender at My feet, says the Lord. I am making an oath in this day that I will not forsake those who call upon My name. I will not refuse them. The gates to the City of God are open wide, and in this day, whoever humbles himself and calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Your children shall come from afar. I will defend the fatherless and the widow in this day. No longer will a son be illegitimate, but he will become a child of the king.

I am moving forth throughout all the earth. My boundaries are far-reaching, encompassing all of mankind. Not a man, woman, or child will go without hearing the word of the Lord in this day, for the word of the Lord and the testimony of Jesus is going forth. Mountains may crumble, but My Word stands forever and it will be on the tongue of My servants and brought to the ends of the earth.

Declare the wonderful workings of the Lord. Do not hold back, but go forth to proclaim that Jesus is Lord over all the earth. My name will be lifted high. My banner shall rise high above every earthly structure in this day, for the kingdoms of this world are toppling down and the Lord is taking His rightful place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Every high and lofty place will be laid low. Every brick will be pulled out of place and the whole building will come tumbling down. Only that which is built upon the firm foundation of Jesus Christ will stand.

Streams of living water are about to be released upon the earth. Manna hidden from the foundations of the earth is falling from heaven. Take of it and give it out to others. This is a sign to you. It is a wonder in the heavens, for the Lord your God has heard your pleas for the king to come and heal your land. I have listened to the cry of your Spirit to bring in the lost sheep, the strays, the abandoned and helpless, ones who are without hope in a perverse and cruel world. I will heal your land. I will defeat every foe. I will cut off every attack of the enemy on the lives of your children and they shall come through the fire unharmed, for I Myself will take them through. I will surround them with a hedge of protection and shield them from the onslaught of the enemy. They shall be blessed of the Lord and enter the land of promise in health and strength, for there shall not be one feeble one among them.

Press in and press on. Put your hope in the Lord your God. He is your shield and high tower. He will guard you in all your ways. He will make your vineyard fruitful. He will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways. In all things recognize that He is guiding you. He has established the footsteps for you to walk in and is increasing your ability and your agility. You will marvel at the lightness of step with which you will walk, for I am lifting off a load of guilt and condemnation. Every yoke of oppression will be lifted off. You will be freed up to walk in the calling that is upon your life. No longer will things of this life weigh you down. No longer will you be doubled over with a heavy burden. My yoke is easy and My burden is light and I am releasing My people from a yoke of slavery that has been passed down to them through the generations. I am cutting off every curse that has been pronounced upon them. Your sin will be forgiven and cast away as far as the east is from the west and remembered no more. There shall be no more mourning, but only joy and gladness in Zion, the City of God.

So open up the doors and let the music play. Let your praise resound forth to glorify your Savior. Let every instrument resound with heavenly song and let a fragrant offering rise up unto the Lord. Your king is coming robed in righteousness and He will bring healing to the nations.

Many have rewards in the earth. Many are without. The Heavenly Father sees the afflictions of the people. He sees the sickness and disease of those who have lived under the bondage of sin. His heart is broken for the suffering. He weeps for those who are without knowledge of the saving power of the Lord. The price has been paid, but many are unaware of the penalty that has been taken on by the Lord to cover their sin and suffering. Rejoice in your king, that your warfare is over. Ask and it will be given unto you. Come into the presence of the Lord with joy and thanksgiving. He has healed all your diseases. He has set the prisoner free. Rejoice that your names are written in the Book of Life.

Take hold of God and pull. Put effort into your relationship with the Lord. Do not let it slide by, for I am building in this day, says the Lord. It is a house built by God and no man is able to hinder what I am doing. The structure boasts of unity, is put together by the power of My Spirit, and is cemented firmly in place. Nothing is able to undermine or undercut the things a I am building into the structure in this day. The foundation upon which it is built is the Rock of Christ. It is a sure foundation which cannot be moved.

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