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GREAT CHANGE IS COMING - October 19, 2023

“In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.”

“At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens. The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.”

“People will flee to caves in the rocks and to holes in the ground from the fearful presence of the Lord and the splendor of his majesty, when he rises to shake the earth.”

There is a move of My spirit taking place that those without wisdom cannot see. They only see what is taking place around them. They see the destruction of the systems of the world, the kingdoms of men being shaken and taken down, but they do not see what I am building in their stead. Their focus is on the temporal and not the eternal. They cannot see that I am erecting a new world order that will emerge once the old has collapsed.

I promised that I would establish My kingdom in its fullness in the Earth, that the shaking of the nations was unto a new way of doing things, that the dismantling of the world's kingdoms would give way to My kingdom taking over. You recognize the shaking and realize that there is change taking place, that the old is coming down and the system men have depended on is being taken apart, but I am opening your eyes and understanding to see in the spirit what is ahead. Of course your concern is to understand the timing of the emerging of the new because you are bound by time. But keep in mind that I am not. A day is as a thousand years in the spirit realm, and so time is irrelevant. I am able to accomplish what I want in a day, however, because you are locked into a time frame, it is difficult for you to comprehend the things I am showing you in the spirit realm. Even so, I want to share My heart with you and give you glimpses of what is on the horizon.

Great change is coming. In the natural realm, the end of all things familiar to man is coming into view, but in the spirit realm, the new is ready to be ushered in. The fullness of My kingdom will come in all its glory and overtake the kingdoms of the world. Let Me share with you what My kingdom will bring with it. Let Me show you things to come and give clarity to the revolution that is coming to the world. Lets start with ministry.

I am taking down the kingdom of religious rule. I am breaking the power of religion in the Earth. Ministries that have upheld religion will come crashing down. Those that have fed themselves off the people will be no more. I am taking out the supports, cutting off support, and the industry will fall. You will see a reversal in the power structure. I am taking power out of the hands of men. No man will be able to assume power, for I am breaking the power of man. Those who have been called to serve will become servants. You will see the change-over, the removal of a power structure that has been at work in the church. All men shall be made equal. I am usurping the power given to men by others. I will destroy the hierarchy at work to delegate power to men. I am evicting the intruder from the midst of the people and all shall fall into line with My dictates and not those of men. Those who put their trust in the structure will find there is nothing to hold on to, for I will completely destroy the power structure that has existed. A great wave of destruction is coming upon it and it shall be no more. Organizations that depend on the structure will come crashing down, for there will be no support for them. Old ways will be abandoned and the new will come into place. Rejoice in the greatness of God to pull down the powers at work in the world. The kingdoms of the world are becoming the kingdoms of the Lord. I am taking over the kingdoms of the world and establishing My kingdom in the earth and every knee shall bow to My will and purpose.

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