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GOD’S ARMY - March 14, 2022

"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds."

2 Corinthians 10:3-4

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

I will provide for all your needs. I will make a way for you to move forward in the call. I will be a light to your path. Be strong and courageous and you will enter the land. You will see that all loose ends are being tied up and new opportunities are opening up. This is the time of renewal, of renewed interests. I will take you on into new adventures.

Just as I promised I am opening doors for those who would proclaim My truth to the nations. I am opening portals to reach far and wide. I have raised up an army of those who are willing vessels and will be sent forth with the mandate to call down the high places.

I will give revelation to those who earnestly seek Me. I will open the Heavens over them to see up into the realms of the Sprit and they will glean an understanding of what is taking place in the spiritual realm. They will see with the eyes of their heart, with spiritual eyes, and understand great mysteries, for I am calling forth an army of those who are willing to be lifted up into Heavenly places and to witness those things that are taking place behind the scenes. They will understand events in the Earth are a manifestation of what is taking place in the spiritual realm and they will be given their commanding orders to war in the realm of the spirit, to take down the high places, to raise up the low, and to make the way straight for the coming of the Lord.

This is the army that I shall lead throughout the land, an army of warriors who do battle in the Heavenlies according to My will and purpose. This is the army that will defeat every enemy of the cross of Christ. It is the army I am mustering that will follow Me into the battle between light and darkness. It is My end-time army that I am raising up to overcome the armies of the world that are gathered against the Lord.

Do you want to be part of My army? If so, I am asking that you shed your understanding of the natural events and glean from the realm of the Spirit all that is taking place in the Earth. I will lift you up into the Heavens, into the realm of My Spirit, where you will see things as they truly are. Be willing to let go of Earthly warfare and enter into war in the realm of the spirit where the real battle is taking place, for your enemy is not flesh and blood, but one who rules in the realm of the spirit over the land and peoples. And your weapons are not carnal, but spiritual.

I am raising up an army of intercessors who will do battle in the spirit and set the captives free by tearing down strongholds that have kept them in bondage. You will see the awakening of the Bride of Christ as she moves forth over the Earth in power because she has learned that her enemies are not her fellow man, but the spiritual forces behind the man. She will be a light in the Earth because she, herself, will be set free from the works of darkness that have held her captive.

My army shall move swiftly to call down the high places, to take down the kingdoms of men, to dismantle the hierarchy of evil-doers who have been at work in the realm of the spirit to keep My people bound. This is the day when those who are willing to ride throughout the land, will follow Me into the realm of the spirit to take ground from the enemy, for the day of battle is at hand and all the nations of the Earth shall gather together against My Elect.

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