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“Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation: The law will go out from me; my justice will become a light to the nations. My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations."

Isaiah 51:4-5

The River of Life is flowing and the waters are reaching the lost. A fresh revelation of the Lord Jesus is being released into the midst of the people and an awareness of the presence of the Lord is being experienced by those who have lacked hope.

I am doing it, says the Lord. I am releasing My manifest presence throughout the earth and flooding the nations with the glory of My presence. Those who gather in My name are experiencing great measures of My presence, for I am coming into their midst to sup with them and they are partaking of Me. As they make Me the center of their gathering, I am manifesting Myself unto them and they are being changed by My glory. They are being healed and delivered in the power of My presence. The light and life of Christ is being poured into them and they are being transformed into the image of the Son. Their minds are being renewed by the power of the Spirit and their hearts are being molded by the hands of the Father.

Those who cry out to Me to be changed are being changed from glory to glory. Soon those around them will see that it is no longer them that live, but that Christ lives through them, for this is the day of the revelation of the Sons of God in the earth. Everything shall be uncovered that has been hidden and those who have sought the Lord God with all their heart shall be revealed to the people as the servants of God, chosen of the King of kings to do great exploits for Him.

This is the day and this is the hour. I am moving powerfully throughout the earth. Those who have hindered My chosen ones are coming into judgement. They are being brought into account for each harsh word spoken against My messengers of the gospel. They will suffer much for their lack of honor shown toward My prophets. They shall come into account for every judgement made against them and shall be stripped to naked in the midst of the assembly. No longer shall the redeemed of the Lord be made food for the ravenous wolves. No longer shall the ungodly persecute and afflict My chosen ones. No longer shall the wicked raise up their arm against the Sons of God and slander their names. I have come to avenge My chosen ones, to rescue them out of the traps of the wicked. No longer shall the voice of the Lord be treated with contempt, but it shall go forth throughout the earth to bring justice. All pretenses shall be shattered and the truth shall emerge in fullness, for the banner of the Lord shall be carried forth throughout the earth and every lie and every deception shall be pulled down and trampled underfoot.

There is a sound going forth. It is the sound of the trampling of the nations. Hoof beats of judgement are being heard throughout the land, for every fowl thing, everything that exalts itself above the knowledge of the Lord is coming under judgement in this day and the judgement is beginning with the household of God.

Unrighteousness in the house of God is being exposed and dealt with. Those in positions of authority who have lorded it over the people, shackling them with a heavy yoke of oppression, are being brought into account for every unrighteous judgement made against the elect. Every fowl practice to maintain a structure that exalts itself is coming into the light and every attempt by those in authority to thwart the purposes of God is being intercepted and brought before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for scrutiny.

Keep your head above water, for the greatest wave of judgement is about to hit the earth. Idols will be toppled to the ground and those who bow down to worship these will be overcome by the waters that will be released over the earth and just as the great deluge washed away the ungodly, so will it be in this day. Wave upon wave of judgement is coming. Only those who humble themselves and repent of their wicked ways shall be saved and those who continue to mock the workings of the Lord will be pulled down under the water.

Great shall be the tribulation that is coming upon the earth. Great shall be the punishment of those who continue to do wickedly. The tide is coming in, the waters are rising, and great shall be the pressure upon the people to turn from wickedness. Signs in the heavens above and in the earth below are ushering in the appearance of the Lord to all men. The judgement of God upon the ungodly has come, and only those who call upon the Lord shall be saved from destruction, for the wrath of God will be poured out like a flood upon the people. Repent, for the time is at hand.

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