“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
The enemy prowls around as an angry lion to see whom he can devour. As you stay close to Me, you will not be tripped up by him, but you will be girded up by your Heavenly Father who sees your heart’s desire to please Him and to trust in Him alone. Do not fear the fiery darts of the enemy, but take up the Sword of the Spirit which is My Word and you will be able to extinguish them. They are meant for evil, but I will take these darts and turn them against the enemy, and what was meant for evil will be turned around for your benefit. Stand firm and do not waver. Trust only in the counsel of God and shun the counsel of men, for Man’s counsel is futile and unable to accomplish the will of God.
In this day I am doing a new thing. I am turning the water into wine and everything that the enemy has stolen is being restored one-hundred-fold. No longer shall the enemy keep you bound by his scare tactics, but you shall be loosed and freed up into the liberty of the sons of God to press in and take the land. The trumpet has sounded and the spoils will be taken, for this is the day of deliverance. I am writing a new name on your forehead. You shall be called by My name, for you shall be a dwelling place for your God, no longer tossed to and fro on the sea of humanity, but a new creation, changed into the likeness of the Son. The old shall pass away and the new shall come.
In this day a great separation is taking place between those who are of the flesh and those who are of the Spirit. Those who walk in carnality are of the earth. But those who are born of the Spirit of God are from above. Just as in the beginning, the waters were separated from the dry ground and formed the sea, so distinct shall be the separation that is to come.
Continue to walk the narrow way. Continue to do the Father’s will and do not let yourself be distracted, but keep in step with the Spirit’s lead. This is a day of new beginning. Everything that you put your hand to shall prosper. I am leading you in a way that you have not known. You will eat of the abundance of the land. You shall taste of its goodness and eat of its fat. The harvest fields are ready. I am placing a sickle in your hands and you shall reap abundantly. You shall go forth as a mighty machine to harvest the grain with great strength and stamina. You shall not be stopped, but you shall go forth to bring in the lost, reaping where you have not sown, for I have placed within you the Father’s heart for his children. I have placed in your hand the message of salvation to be given to the poor. When the time is right, I shall send you out into the field.
The time is soon when the door shall be opened and you shall go out with the message of hope. I am giving you everything you need. You shall be fully equipped. I am putting everything in place and you will lack nothing. Every angle will be covered, says the Lord, for I am hedging you in and you shall be able to move freely within the structure I have prepared. Every avenue of resources shall be opened and flow freely. Places have been marked out for you by My Spirit and you shall be released to go into them and take possession.
I am working in the hearts of those who would oppose you and you will see that I am able to overcome every obstacle. They will marvel at the awesome deeds of My Spirit working through My beloved, for the ungodly shall fall in repentance at the preaching of the word you proclaim. They will see that the power and anointing of My Spirit rests upon you. There will be no doubt when they see the miracles that I release through your hands, for great signs and wonders shall follow the preaching of the word.
You have not seen nor heard of the marvelous things that I am about to perform at the hand of My servants. You did not ask, but I have chosen you. My kingdom is coming upon the earth in this day. It is a kingdom not of this world, but comes down from the Father above. It is a kingdom of love and joy and peace. Its power is that of the love of God. This power apprehends the enemy. No power in heaven or on earth is greater than the love of God. Nothing is able to prevail against it. Every enemy will surrender at the feet of Jesus. This is the power that will be at work through those who are changed into the image of Christ.