“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
This is the day of salvation. Every promise to those who love the Lord is being fulfilled in this day. Every gifting is being released into the Body of Christ. Every dry place is being watered and brought to life to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God.
I have appointed you to go and bear fruit, and in this day you will flourish in every good gifting from the Father above. I am about to release even more into your life. I am deepening the wells of salvation and drawing forth from deep within. The River of Life is flowing and those who partake of its life-giving waters are being brought into life.
Heed the words being released unto you. They are words of life and they are being released to bring into life those who hear. I am on the move. I am turning the hearts of the children toward the Father and the Father’s heart is for His children. No longer shall the outcast be cut off, but he shall be brought into the fold. Those who have been pushed aside are rising to the top. I am moving over all the earth, proclaiming the message of My love to the nations. I am raising up the broken, the destitute. I am picking them off the ground where they have been trampled upon, brushing them off, setting them on their feet, and putting a hope and a purpose into their lives. They will no longer wander in a dry and desert place, but they shall be filled to over-flowing with the joy of the Lord.
Every barrier is coming down. Every hindrance is being removed. One by one the prodigals are coming home. One by one they are being brought back into the Father's house. I will use you to minister life to those who have wandered afar. I will use you to usher them in. I am putting into your hands everything you need to draw the prodigals home. Dance before Me. Exalt My name. Lift up the banner of love for all to see. Rejoice. Let songs of joy and love flow forth from your lips. Proclaim through song the wonders of the Lord, for great is the Lord and He is worthy of all praise and adoration. Prophesy upon instruments. Prophecy forth the glory of the Lord.
Faithfulness is the quality I am looking for in My people. Your faithfulness to pursue those things I have shown you and not give up even under great trial will bring you much reward. I am opening doors of ministry you never dreamed of. I have chosen to release upon you a mantel of praise and adoration unto the Lord. You will be carried by the power of My Spirit into places of darkness to bring the light. Every roadblock will being removed. Every fear, fret, and worry uprooted. You will no longer be hindered by low self-worth, for I am raising you up in the power of My Sprit to go forth and do the works prepared for you to do. No one and nothing will be able to stop the equipping of the saints. No power on earth is able to quench My Spirit in this day and put out the fire I have kindled within My people. The prophetic will abound and nothing can dam up the flow.
Take the authority given to you of the Father. Take hold of every piece of equipment being released to you in this day. I am providing everything you need. I am cutting off the accuser of the brethren. His tactics to hinder the army of God from moving forth are being exposed and intercepted. No longer will he trip up and confuse My elect. No longer will he steer the ship. I am taking down every stronghold over the assembly. I am evicting every demon intruder from your midst. You shall prosper in the land that I am giving you. You shall bear much fruit in the ministry being released to you. You shall go forth in the power of the Lord to trample the enemy underfoot.
Up, up and away! I am lifting you up in this day, high above all adversity. I will guide you. I will direct you. I will take you to those places prepared for you. You will marvel at the ease by which you are able to accomplish the work laid out to you. Your life will be in Me. Your rest shall be in Me. Your hope is in Me. Do not fear the fiery darts of the enemy. Do not be overcome with fear, for I am your protection. I am your strong tower. I will increase within you. I will fill to overflowing those vessels who are obedient to My will. Great are the ways of the Lord. Great are His promises to those who love and obey His word in its full capacity.
Take hold and pull, for I am releasing great abundance of life in this day, great blessings to those who fear My name and are called according to My purposes. Rest in Me. Resign yourself to the task at hand. Receive the equipping from the Lord. Allow the work of the Spirit to complete its job in you, to transform your lowly state into a beautiful bride.
Refreshing is coming to those who undergo the ministry of life of the Spirit in this day. Newness of life will abound. No longer shall the people of the Lord walk in fear and doubt, but they will be lifted up on the wing and to soar in the Heavenlies, glean the heart of the Father for the people, and take the life of Christ to the nations. I am with you. I am right beside you and I am within you. Do not doubt the power of God in this day to accomplish His purposes upon the earth.
Harvest time is here. The fields are being harvested. The barns are being filled with the fruit. Carry the light with you. Take it to the ends of the earth. Great Joy is being released into the assembly of the Lord. Great rejoicing will be heard within her walls, for My church shall be released from every binding and will go free to take the life of Christ to the people. I am doing a great work in your midst. I am breaking down the existing building, a building built by the hands of men, and I am reconstructing. I am building a firm foundation, putting in the piles. They are being hammered in deep, for they will carry the structure I am putting into place.