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Rejoice in what I am doing. Acknowledge My ways. Trumpet forth My mercies. Tell of My goodness. This is the day. I am moving all things into order, into place. My instruments of praise shall declare My praise in the assembly. They shall bring revival into the midst of the people. They shall open the floodgates of heaven and the power of God shall be released into the midst of the congregation. Music ministry shall soar. I am raising up an army of worshippers who will go forth through the land to storm the gates of hell and rescue the perishing. They shall be moved out of obscurity and onto frontlines. This is the day. No one will be able to deny the power of God flowing forth. Nothing will be able to resist it. It will come with such force that it will destroy the works of darkness throughout the land. Power is being released in this day. Healings and miraculous signs will appear. Trust in the Lord to perform all He has promised.

I am healing the broken, bringing favor to them. This is the testimony of Jesus. I have reserved a few who have not squandered all the Father has given, but have valued it and they are able to be My messengers, to appreciate My Word, to uphold it, preserve it, and to deliver it faithfully. These are the ones I have chosen to march forward in the call upon their lives to bring healing and salvation to this generation. This is the day and this is the hour when I shall pour out My anointing and My power and it shall reach to the ends of the earth with signs and wonders, demonstrations in the Heavenlies and on earth. This is the day and this is the hour when My faithful servants shall possess the land. I have ordained it and it shall be so.

Enter into the Holy of Holies, into the inner courts of the Lord. Come and be blessed by My abundance. Sing unto Me songs of love. Let Me know of your love for Me. I am your witness. I am the one who will testify for you of your good works. I am the one who rescues the meek from their troubles. I will delight Myself in you. I will show you favor. Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you. This is the day and this is the hour when I shall accomplish My will in the earth. The hearts of the children will be turned to the fathers and the hearts of the fathers will be turned to their children. This is the day of resurrection for the dead. I am raising up nations to worship Me, to profess My name, to publicly display My logo, My name. You will see the shift over from secular humanism to esteeming the Most High God. Halleluia, sing halleluia, for your God reigns!

I am setting up My kingdom, the structure through which I will direct the affairs of the nations. I am putting into places of authority those of My choosing and I am turning the hearts of others to the Lord. You will see it. It will come about shortly. There is a roaring of the sea, a great buildup of events that will be released into the earth that will shelter the homeless, bring sight to the blind, abundance to the poor. All creation testifies to the goodness of the Lord. All creation tells of all He’s done. From the beginning He has made His ways known. So how can it be a surprise that He would come? He said He would, and it is time for His return. This time it will be different when He comes, for He comes with power to establish His dwelling place. And every eye shall see Him coming, riding in on the clouds. Oh, what a day it will be! The peoples longed to see it. Yet now that it has come, are they ready? The trumpet has blasted. The dead in Christ shall rise up to meet their Lord in the air. Day in and day out the people made a friend of worldly treasures. But now that the day has come, they cannot take them with them, but must surrender them at the feet of Jesus. Rejoice and sing, for I am your king.

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