“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”
“As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”
The time is near. The time is at hand for the Lord to appear to all men. I am rallying My troops in this day. I am gathering them in from the far corners of the earth for battle. They shall be made ready for war, for the greatest battle the earth has known is about to begin. I am arousing My servants into position. I am awakening them into the call upon their lives to storm the gates of hell and set the captives free. I am putting into their hands the power of the risen Lord to cut away at everything that raises its head up against the Lord and His elect. I have given authority unto them to tread upon the head of the serpent and to crush the enemy underfoot. I have given them authority to take, by the hand, those who have been slipping into the fires of hell and to pull them out. As they prophesy words of life over these, these shall be set free from every stronghold over their lives and walked out of darkness into light. I am opening the doors to the lost. I am opening prison doors that have held the captives bound. I am unlocking every door that had been barred shut. I am releasing a stream of evangelistic fervor into the midst of the people. I am putting a burning desire in them to reach out to those on the streets, in the highways and byways. They will not hesitate to speak forth the good news of salvation and the promises of God to the lost. I am equipping them with every word they will need. I am equipping them with power from on high to cut away the bindings from those they touch and minister to. Signs and wonders shall accompany them in great measure and the power and precision with which the word goes forth shall be great. I am releasing into the midst of My people a desire to go and make disciples of the nations. I am releasing a burning desire to touch and bring healing to those who have not known the power of My love. Move out in this power. Go into the highways and byways. Go into places of darkness. Go where I am sending you. Do not be side-tracked. Keep your ears open to hear instructions from the Lord of Hosts.