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END-TIME STRATEGY - July 5, 2022

"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.”

John l0:l4-l6

“My sheep listen to my voice: I know them, and they follow me."

John 10:27

Everyone like sheep has gone astray, but in this day, says the Lord, I am gathering My sheep together. My sheep hear My voice. As My voice goes out throughout the earth, those who hear will come to Me. They will know it is the voice of their shepherd.

This is the day and this is the hour of the great ingathering. From all the ends of the earth a remnant is being gathered, for they have been scattered and without a shepherd. I am the Good and Faithful Shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine to go get the one that is left behind. My mercy is great and My compassion is reaching toward those who are lost.

In this day I am raising up those who are mine to go to the lost and am about to thrust them out into the highways and byways. I am birthing compassion into the hearts of My people and they shall be compelled to go. And I am preparing places to house those who are brought in. As the good shepherd provides a safe place for his sheep, I am preparing a safe place for these. To those who are obedient to seek Me, I will reveal My strategies and My plan. As My compassion for the lost becomes a driving force in your life, as you hunger to know how you can reach the lost, I will reveal My strategy to you and I will use you, for I have a Master Plan and a strategy that I am about to reveal to My faithful servants.

My ways are not your ways, says the Lord, and the plan I have in place is not based on human wisdom. Do not lean on human understanding in this day, for those who would be part of this plan and instrumental to this ministry will be those who have learned to hear My voice and rely fully on the Spirit’s leading. This plan will not be fully revealed at once, but will be worked out step by step, little by little. Just as the pillar of fire led those who walked through the wilderness on and at times stopped them to camp, I will lead those out. The pillar of fire is My voice that is being released to My servants in this day. Those who hear and obey will be effective to fulfill their part in My Master Plan.

Prepare yourself. Wait on the Lord for your instructions and move out in obedience. Listen to the still small voice and you will hear Me speaking. Act on the instructions you are given and do not second-guess what you are being told, for at times you will be asked to do and say things that may not make sense to you, but as you act in obedience, you will see the fruit. As you continue to faithfully obey, more and more will be revealed to you. Faithfulness and obedience are the character qualities needed by those who would be used of Me. These are the fruit of My Spirit poured out upon My people. Those who are faithful and obedient will possess the land. These are My Chosen ones with whom I am well-pleased. They bear the image of My Son.

Forward through the land, I am taking My people forward. I have dressed My people and they are ready. As they step forward, the debris is being crushed beneath their feet. Just as with a bull dozer moving through the forest, the way is being cleared. The hindering branches and brush are being bull-dozed down and a roadway is being made through the wilderness. Everything in the way is being removed, and a highway is being prepared for the Lord. The way is being made straight as every low spot is being raised up and every high spot leveled.

This is the day and this is the hour in which the Lord shall enter His temple. Get ready, for the trumpet is about to sound, and those in Christ shall rise up in the life of Christ, for the fullness of the life of Christ is about to be released into those who have longed for the Lord’s coming.

Take the message that I am giving and give it to the poor, the destitute, those with no hope, for in this hour, My hope is coming to the nations. It is contained in the message of My Son. Many are in turmoil. Many are in confusion and see no hope. They are crying out to Me. They are calling on My name. I am hearing their cries, for they are desperate cries and I am stirring up My compassion for them and about to send them the message of hope. Their hearts are broken and I will mend their hearts, and in this hour whoever calls upon the Lord shall be saved. The way has been opened. The way has been made ready. The obstacles have been removed. The way is straight and clear. This is the day and the hour when the Father is reaching down with a sovereign move of His hand to gather the nations unto Himself. To those with no hope, He is bringing the message of salvation and not one who calls upon the Lord will be left out, for the message shall come to them in this hour, the final hour, for the fields are being harvested.

I am opening up avenues of outreach to the lost. If you will draw near and seek Me in this, I will show you the way prepared for you. There is a network, a structure I have put in place. Every community worldwide will be reached through this network. Strategies are being released into the Body. Connections are being made with those within and outside of the Body. These are part of the network. Methods of communicating the truths of My Word are being put into action and My Word is going forth and will continue to go forth, for I am increasing the giftings used in this capacity. Those things being written down and released are part of My plan. They are an integral and vital strategy of the network. Many are writing down the Words and revelations of the Holy Spirit being released to them and methods of sending these forth are being raised up everywhere. Some are connecting with publishers, others are recording, and others are being sent into homes and places where people gather. These are all methods I have raised up in this day and this hour to reach the nations.

In this day, the structure of communication to bring the Word of the Lord to the people being raised up is of great magnitude. Its links and connections are like no other. This structure is held together and functions through the workings of the Holy Spirit. It is not by power, nor by might, says the Lord, but by My Spirit that these things are being accomplished in this day. This network is fully reliant on the workings of My Spirit, for I have released My angels to carry My message to the nations. The Word of the Lord shall be released to the ends of the earth and everyone shall hear it in this day, for this is the day and hour in which I shall do these things

Songs will go forth with the message of salvation. They will be heard in places of darkness, for I am sending My voice into these places through the radio industry. I have positioned many who will be instrumental to proclaim the wonderful workings of the Lord in this way. Others will be used in other media industry. Some will be used in the arts and theatre. These methods are part of the strategy I am employing to reach those who are seeking for Me.

Think it not strange that the giftings to function in these positions are being released, for in this hour, I am unleashing My Church and she will go out and demonstrate great workings of My Spirit. I am increasing the giftings and releasing an anointing upon them. Those who hear the songs and music, those who read and hear My Words of life, those who are visited by those sent of the Lord, will receive the message with joy.

Get ready, for I am about to release the fullness of the Son of God into My people and they shall go out to the nations. This is the day and this is the hour. Do not hesitate to use the giftings being released to you. Recognize that they have been given of the Heavenly Father and imparted by the Holy Spirit to be used to reach the nations. They are not being given for your own enjoyment, though you will receive much joy as you are obedient to rise up and employ them. These gifts are being released to the Body to bring in the lost, for this is the plan and the purpose of these workings within you. As they are used in this way, the network will function and flow as intended.

Keep your eyes on the Lord, for He is the Head and He is the One who will provide everything that is needed to effectively fulfill the part you are called to take. Every financial need will be met, for in this day and in this hour I am releasing rivers of finances to be used for this last day ministry of the church. Finances will flood in from every direction, for I am taking out the plugs. The dam is being lowered and those finances that have been bound up are being released. You will stand amazed at the amount of working capital that is made available, for I have been working in the hearts of the people, grinding up the hard ground and plowing up the soil of the heart. The eyes of those who have been blind are being opened and they are seeing the light. They are willing to release all that they have into the Kingdom of God, for the veil has been taken away and they are seeing clearly. I have been dealing with greed and idolatry in their hearts and they are willing to let these go.

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