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END-TIME MINISTRY - August 15, 2022

“And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey them.”

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

This is a time of preparation. The pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. Your are being put into your place. I am giving you the key. This key will open every door. All areas of ministry work together and will be used to usher in the kingdom of God. The message of salvation shall go forth and those who come under the influence of the ministry shall be brought in. You will rejoice when you see the fruit of the harvest.

The key to the building will be in your hand, for I am preparing a place from which the ministry of the Word of God shall go forth. I am erecting the building. It will be a new facility to accommodate the giftings that have been released into you and every gifting will be employed. There will be great joy as this work goes forth, for you will see that you are children of the king and that the king’s children are abundantly provided for.

Your offspring shall be blessed. They shall lack no good thing, for I am about to open the heavens and release abundant rains upon them. I am about to draw them near to Myself. I am calling them by name. I have a design and a plan for each of their lives and I will employ them in the work of the harvest. Get ready, for you are about to see a great change, a great turning around in their lives. I am taking them out of the futility of their thinking, out of complacency, and putting them into the flow of My Spirit. They shall be thrust out with the word of God to deliver it to those in need.

I have a plan and a purpose in this day to employ those who have been trained up in the way of the truth. These will be light-bearers to the nations. Your homes will be havens, a refuge for the weary wanderer. They will be a place of rest and a place of growth for those coming into the kingdom. I am sealing them. They will bear My name and no unclean thing shall come near them. I am releasing My grace upon them. I am releasing an abundance upon them and the dry places will be well-watered and soaked with the word of God. My stamp is upon them, for I have chosen and marked them out.

In all your ways acknowledge the Lord and His goodness. Give thanks unto the Lord your God and do not forget all His benefits. He is the one who provides for you, hears and answers your heart’s cry, and will be with you till the end. Follow the narrow way. Do not lean on the wisdom of men, but press in close to your Savior, for He will deliver you from the snare of the enemy. He will lead you in the way everlasting.

In this hour, your Master is calling you to take your place in the last-day ministry to the lost. I am equipping My people, says the Lord, for the work I have prepared for them. They are in a process of renewal and being transformed into the image of Christ. Choose life. Look not to the left or to the right, but look to Jesus, the one and only one who is able to keep you from falling. I am the bread of life. Eat of Me and you shall not go hungry. I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me shall never die. Eat of the hidden manna, the bread from heaven. Partake of the living bread, that which has been broken for you.

I’ll take you higher in My Spirit if you abide in Me, make Me your heart’s desire, and do not look to the left or to the right. Do not allow the flattery of men to throw you off track. The path for your life is marked out, and as you abide in Me, you will be sure to follow in the footsteps laid out before you. There is nothing that I cannot do, and I am about to do something in your life you did not expect. I am about to raise you up and put you in a position of great authority. You will be in awe at what I do. Signs and wonders will follow the Word as it goes forth from your mouth.

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