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DO NOT BE SIDE-TRACKED - October 10, 2023

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.”

In this day I am moving My pawns forward. I am moving My armies across the land to bring healing and salvation to multitudes. Do not say that it is hopeless, that there is no fruit from your labor. You do not see what I see. You do not understand that I am accomplishing great feats in this day through the obedience of My faithful ones who refuse to be side-tracked by the wicked and continue to press toward the goal of the high calling.

I have called many to come away with Me into Heavenly realms, to taste of My goodness and to grow in understanding. I have formed for Myself a holy nation, a people after My own heart. And it is in and through these that I shall accomplish the purposes of My heart, for I am taking these into the depths of understanding and immersing them into such an awareness of My presence, they will stand in awe!

This is the day when I shall shower My blessings upon men and all will see My favor upon My Elect. All will know that I have brought My Own into the fullness of My Spirit and that I am walking My Bride out for all the world to see. I shall take her to the ends of the Earth and display My splendor through her. All will know that I am at work in this day to bring the nations to the foot of the cross. All will experience the power of My resurrection and know that a change has taken place.

Watch to see how I take My Own into places of darkness to shine forth My radiance. This is the witness I am sending forth in this day, a witness of My glory in the Earth. Turn your eyes upon Me and do not look to the left or to the right. I will lead you, guide and direct you. I will take you into the places of My choosing, to dispense My fragrance. Ministry will flourish. I am opening doors to walk you through. Go in My name. I will send you abroad and into those places of My choosing. Stay alert. Keep focused on the nations. I am moving you into prime position to declare My handiwork. I am ushering you into a role as My representatives to the nations. Soon the doors will open and you will walk through. And I will prepare you for this. I will clothe you with garments of love and peace and send you out. I will keep you in perfect peace and supply you with all that you are in need of. You will fall behind in no good thing. Just as I promised, I am taking My Bride down the runway and putting her on display.

Prepare for what is ahead. Be ready with your suitcase packed! I will give you a message for each nation I send you to. I am establishing a network of connections. I will give you contacts and connections through which My word shall be sent. As I connect you with those of My choosing, the network will firm up. So do not lose sight of those I have put you in touch with, but firm up the connections

I will show you what you need to do moment by moment, step by step. Trust Me. Trust My lead. Reserved for you are riches untold. I am opening My storehouses to you and releasing My abundant blessings upon you. Your feet are prepared with the gospel. Wherever you go, you shall take the truth with you. You think that you do not measure up, but I tell you, I have measured out the full measure to you! You are fully equipped for the mandate.

Tell those around you that I will lead and direct, that I will open and close doors, that I will make a way where there seems to be no way. I will send you to the nations. I will open doors on your behalf and usher you abroad and into places you never dreamed possible. I have My hand upon you. I have chosen you as My ambassadors, and I will send you to those places of My choosing. Great and marvelous are My ways, too great for you to comprehend!

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