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“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”

Unto you it is given to know the times and the seasons. I am revealing Myself to those who long for My coming. I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and Last, Ruler of the Nations, and I am taking My rightful place amongst the elect. More is to be revealed as time goes on, for this is the day of revelation. The light is increasing. It shines forth through the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it.

I am sending My witness into the world, the light of My countenance to be carried forth by My chosen vessels, so let your light shine forth to all men. I am raising a torch that will be carried high by My torchbearers. It is the light of My son and it shall burn fervently for all to see. The eyes of the blind shall be opened and the captives shall be loosed from the stranglehold of sin and idolatry. I am making a way clear to the Holy of Holies for those who have gone astray. I am increasing the awareness of My presence. Multitudes shall see the light and know My presence.

Great is My faithfulness to all generations. I am raising up a remnant who will proclaim My coming to the nations, a witness to the unsaved. My banner over you is love and acceptance. You are lovingly accepted into the fellowship of believers. Partake of the bread and wine, My body that has been broken for you and My blood poured out. Persist in the way outlined to you. Do not be pushed off track. I have opened a door no man can close, a door of discernment and opportunity, an avenue of outreach reserved for you. Enter in. Step into place, for it is yours to minister life to a hurting generation, a broken and bruised society that has not honored My name. Go forth in all confidence to access the credentials needed for the job as rivers of living water are released to you. You are being taken up the river of life, propelled forward into avenues of influence reserved for your expertise. Come into the fullness available to you. Come into the Holy Place, over the threshold into rivers of abundance. My blessing is upon you. You are welcomed in by your Heavenly Father, into riches untold. Mercy and grace are yours through Christ Jesus your Lord.

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Me. This is My word to you. Tell it to the nations. Make it known near and far that there is no other way to the Father. Many have tried to enter another way, but there is no other way. This is My promise to those who choose to come into My presence, this is My word to you, that in all your ways, I will acknowledge you to the Father, I will make known My mysteries unto you and I will accomplish My purposes through you.

This is the day of resurrection life for those who are in Christ Jesus. The things of the world are passing away and all is being made new. I will take you into places prepared for you since the foundation of the world. I will bring you into place at the banquet table of the Lord. Many mock and scoff, but the time is here, the time is now when My elect shall be taken up into glory. The glory of the Son shall be upon them and radiate through them, for they shall emulate the Son as they come into the fullness of His presence. He has chosen to pour life into those who are His, resurrection life, and they shall be raised up into fullness of life in Him. This is a mystery unfolding to those who are being taken from glory to glory, being transformed into His image, being made sons of the living God, for it is written that “they shall become like Him.” Enter through the narrow way. Come into His presence with singing. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, for He inhabits the praises of His people.

My light is shining forth. Though darkness covers the earth as a blanket, My light is shining through to dispel the darkness, to roll it back. I am the light of the world and I have come to shine My light through My chosen vessels. The people shall look on to see the light that flows from My light-bearers. Have I not revealed Myself to you, My true identity? I am the one they sought to remove from the world, to snuff out the light, but they could not. My light shines forth as a beacon to direct the lost back to the Father and I am sending My beacons forth. They shall testify of who I am. They shall declare My name to the nations. They shall be light to the perishing, showing the way back to the Father, redirecting the lost, calling them back into relationship with the Father. They shall be My witnesses to the ends of the earth.

When every accusation falls to the ground as judgements of men are refuted, My light shall shine forth to give direction. You will see this in your midst, the standards of men crumbling, for I shall set the standard and measure according to a standard of righteousness and all standards of the world shall be brought to nothing. I am at work taking them down and replacing them with the standard of the cross. Every knee shall bow and come into submission, for all are guilty of crucifying the Christ and all shall be brought back to the cross and brought into accountability. They will understand what they have done and be given opportunity to repent before God and men, to publicly confess their sin. All the earth is the Lord’s. All the earth shall bow down and worship Me, recognizing that I truly am the Son who was sent, the Savior, Redeemer, that there is and will be no other. Repent and be saved, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

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