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“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”

High above the circumstances, you are being lifted high above the circumstances. I am establishing you into your place in the Body of Christ. I am establishing you into the calling upon your life. There is no other day like this day. This is the day of resurrection for the elect. I am raising My elect up into resurrection life. They are being ushered over the threshold into the fullness of the glory of God. They are being ushered through the doorway into everlasting life.

This is the day of resurrection...... It is no coincidence that you are being reminded of the words that have been spoken by the prophets of old that in the last day, the trumpet shall blast and the dead in Christ shall be raised up to everlasting life. This is the day of fulfillment of these words. The dead are being brought to life and raised up to meet with the Lord in heavenly places. Those who are functioning in the Spirit of the risen Lord are being raised up to join with Him in the air. This is the day. This is the hour.

This is the day of resurrection......... The graves are being opened and the dead are being raised up into life. The burial cloths are being unraveled and the prisoner is being set free into the fullness of the Sons of God. You will see this right before your eyes; those who have walked in darkness will be transformed into children of light. All darkness will be removed and the light and life of Christ will fill them to capacity. Is this a difficult thing to believe? Why has it been said that I shall be a light to the Gentiles, except that the light has come and is being birthed into you.

The Sons of God will carry the light to the nations. They shall take it to every nook and cranny, into every corner of the earth, and as the floodwaters cover the sea, the whole earth shall be covered with the glory of the Lord. The marriage supper of the Lamb is spread out for those coming into life. Eat and drink, for soon the Bridegroom shall appear - very soon....... He is at the door and the door has opened. Walk in. He is waiting for you. Your joy shall be full. Come in. I am beckoning you in. The Kingdom of God has come. It has been lowered down from heaven. It is the city prepared for the Bride.

Many are being caught unaware. They have not recognized the King. They are caught up in doctrines of men and their sights are on things around them. They talk about the coming of the King, but they have not recognized His coming. He has come to dwell amongst His people. He has made His abode among men. He is in your midst. He walks amongst you. Only those who have longed for His coming are able to receive Him. He inhabits the praises of His people. He is in the midst of those who acknowledge His presence.

You will see Me walking amongst you. You will know My presence. It will be confirmed. When you gather together and invite Me into your midst, I will come and make My presence known to you. Miracle after miracle will confirm My presence in your midst. As the powers of darkness are pushed back by the power of God that flows forth from within My people, the presence of the Lord will more fully manifest.

There have been many who have performed signs and wonders by the power of the deceiver. They have walked in falsehood and have ministered in falsehood. Their anointings have not been of the Lord. Their teachings have been bribes to gain power. They functioned in deception. The voices they hear are not from the Lord, but are concoctions of half-truths from the enemy. Just as Eve was deceived in the garden by half-truths and lies, so have these been deceived. A mixed potion has been fed to those whose greedy and idolatrous hearts have desired fame and recognition.

I am joining the ranks of Heaven against the deceiver. Every lie and falsehood will be exposed by the power of the Spirit of the risen Lord. The Lion of Judah has arisen and is going forth to tear down principalities in high places. Those who are mine are hearing, for the roar is resounding throughout the earth. I am joining My chosen ones into strong, tightly-knit military units. Their mandate is to take down the towers of Babel, the high and lofty places, to cut away the underbrush, and to trample its tentacles underfoot.

I am revealing the realm of the Spirit unto My people in this day. They are seeing the strongman and are closing in on Him. Unto them is being revealed the forces of evil at work amongst the people and they have been given the keys and sent with the authority of the risen Lord to smite the enemy. The keys unlock every door and they are able to enter into every room to clean house, and not one room will be overlooked, for I am guiding and directing the army of God into every center of stronghold, and every principality in the hierarchy will be defeated by the power of God that is at work through My sent ones.

Every false teaching that has kept the people bound will be exposed. Every dark corner shall come under scrutiny by the floodlight of the Spirit of the Lord. Every message presented to the Body that does not line up with the Word of the Lord will be erased from the midst of the people and they shall remember it no more. I am removing the stumbling blocks, those things that have caused My people to trip and fall and be defeated by the enemy. I am reaching down and picking up the pieces to the puzzle and putting them where they belong, for they have been scrambled up and the picture has been distorted and unrecognizable, but I am putting the pieces in their rightful place and the whole picture will be put together and completed.

I am removing those who have caused division in the ranks, setting them aside. They will be used once again when the ranks are in place and locked in. They will then be brought into place and will submit to the headship of Christ in their place. They will no longer strive and compete with those who have been called, but they will submit themselves to fitting in where they belong.

I am removing confusion from the ranks and building a strong unit to break ground. These make up the front line. They will push forth in the power of God to take and gain ground from the enemy. Those in ranks behind will fall in to occupy the land. This is how My army shall move forth over the earth.

I am calling together and sending forth the front lines. They are moving in unity, arms linked, across the land. They are taking the ground. You will see the ranks close in behind you to occupy the ground that you have taken. You will recognize those you are being joined with to go forth in front-line duty. I am fitting you tightly together. I am cementing you together. You will see that those you are united with are ready and available and that there in nothing holding them back. They have been ushered in place by the power of My Spirit. They will be ones you don’t expect. I am raising them up and putting them down into place. These are ones who will march forth courageously and unhindered. Nothing will be able to trip them up, for they have come through the fire and are being raised up out of the ashes to do great exploits for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

This is the day when the forces of the armies of the Lord shall march forth over the earth to crush the enemy underfoot and defeat the forces of evil and the kingdoms of the world will become the kingdoms of the Lord. This is the day! Rejoice in your king.! Make melody unto Him. Sing the song of victory as of old when the people of God walked across the Red Sea on dry ground and the armies of Pharaoh were washed away!

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