“Then Moses said to the Israelites, “See, the Lord has chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze.”
Exodus 33:30-32
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
Take the sword of the Spirit and cut away confusion. Cut away indecision. Recognize your high calling to reign and rule with the King of Kings. Do not submit yourself to the rulers of the age, those who mislead and misguide, but submit yourself to the headship of Christ. He is a mighty warrior and He will go forth to storm the gates of hell and set the captives free. Take back the ground that has been stolen out of your life. Take back the authority that is yours in Christ Jesus. Take back and hold onto the territory that I am giving you. Every promise is yours in Christ Jesus. Every blessing is yours. Take hold of it and do not let it go. Let your light shine before all men. Do not quench the Spirit, but flow in its anointing to break down the barriers and break up the hard ground. I will use you if you are willing to do what you see Me doing. I will order your footsteps. You will go into the places prepared for you to bring salvation to the lost. Do not despise small beginnings, but understand that what I have begun in you shall be brought to completion and the calling upon your life shall be fulfilled. I will send you out in this hour. Go into the highways and byways and speak to the people. Witness the love of Christ to them, for whatever you do for them, you are doing it unto Me. I have given you the mandate to make disciples of all men. Follow through to do what I have commissioned you. You will then be heading in the right direction. You will be amongst those who will gird you up and send you out.
I have given you a glimpse of the picture of what I am doing in this day. I have opened your understanding to see a small part of the puzzle. You can see that you have been picked up, carried over, and put down again. There has been a severance from the old and a stepping into a new beginning. I am going before you to deal with circumstances that would hinder you from moving on and into the places I have prepared for you. I am juggling things around in the assembly and a moving-over is taking place to make room for the pieces to be put into place with ease and to function comfortably in the giftings that have been birthed into My servants. Not one gifting will lay dormant. I am stirring them up and promoting the giftings of music, dance, prophecy, and the arts. They will bloom and bear fruit. I am orchestrating the details.
Rest in me. Keep focused on My love for you. Stay under the shelter of My wings. Let Me hold you and keep you in perfect peace. Enjoy My presence. Delight yourself in Me. I know the desires of your heart. I see how they burn within you and I will give them to you. I am putting you into the places your heart desires to be. I am linking you up with those your heart desires to be with. I will place you into position to take ground in the areas of influence that you desire. I have marked out the path for you. I have made the way level and the doors are beginning to open, giving you access to these areas of influence. My seal is upon you and you shall not be harmed as you move forth.
I am lining things up, putting things in order. I am bringing My body into unity in this day. The call of the prophet shall be recognized amongst the people, the voice of the Lord going forth. Focus on Me and point others toward Me, taking the attention off yourself. In all that you do, draw the attention toward the Father and Son, giving the glory to the Lord. Shout unto the Lord, give Him praise, and others will be drawn unto Him. Artistic giftings flowing forth will point the people unto Me. Their eyes will be lifted up to Me to glorify their maker, the Creator. They will not linger on the creation, but by the power that is at work in the creation, they will be moved from the creation to the Creator. You will see this phenomenon at work in your midst. All that is done will be done to glorify the Lord. As you dance before Me, eyes are being lifted up to the Father. As you prophesy, eyes are being lifted up to the Lord. I will take away any attempt of flesh to take the glory. I will purify My servants and cause the work of their hands to glorify Me.