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BUILDING A NETWORK - April 18, 2022

Great grace is upon you. Grace will carry you. I will walk you through and into the full capacity of the giftings. I will move you on and out into those things promised. You know that I have ordained the moving forth of My Own into positions of influence. You know that it is not an ordination by men, but of your Heavenly Father, so trust and believe that the time is soon when doors shall open to lead you through and into places of ministry. I am birthing forth within you My heart and I will thrust you out and into that which will give expression to My heart.

You are right in your estimate. Many have tried to trip up My called out ones, but I am for you and I will fend for you, and I will move you on in the call. I will give you the desires of your heart. I will increase within you and spill out through you. This is the day of your arising, of your being marched out of hiding and into the light. I will move you on and into the full inheritance in Christ, so do not think that I cannot perform My perfect will through you. I can, and I will!

Position yourself for great gain. I am moving rapidly to bring change in your environment. I will demonstrate My love for you in a way that will sweep you off your feet. I will turn things around in such a way that honor shall come to you. I will astound you with what I have in store, for I have not limited you to the mundane, but have a calendar of events already scheduled for you.

This is the day of new beginnings for those who have pressed forward in the call. Though some have rallied around to defame and belittle the call, I will come through the negativity with a positive cry. Opportunities to join forces with others of high calling are coming your way. These are divine connections, ready and waiting to be made. These are the links with those who are moving swiftly in the wind of My Spirit, with those who have already gone before and have been established in the ministry. These are the pieces of the puzzle that will be put in place in this day to move My agenda forward and the whole picture will come into formation.

I am moving you forward in the call, taking you into mainstream, no longer to be held back by religious, pious men who seek to control. I have loosed you and you shall flow unhindered in the mandate to reach nations with the gospel of peace.

I will make a way for My beloved to move forward into the harvest fields. I am putting the connections in place and soon you will hear from those of My choosing. Soon you will begin to see what I have been building in the spirit, the network I am putting in place to bring in the catch.

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