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“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

“For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.” Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. “

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

My desire is to reach the nations in this day, and I am about to send you out in the power of My Spirit. Seek Me with all your heart and wait upon Me, for soon the doors will be opened and you will be released into the harvest fields. Obey the call placed upon your life and go forth in the direction I will show you, for the pathway will be lit and you will see the way to go. The nets have been lowered into the water and the catch is coming in. Be faithful to employ the giftings given to you and the doors will open as you step out in obedience and the way will be made clear. The way is being revealed one step at a time, so be faithful in each step.

Everything needed is supplied by the Heavenly Father. Put your trust in Me. Put your hope in Me. Do not seek council from pagans, those whose minds are seared and lack knowledge of the truth. There is a way that leads to life and those who would find it will not seek the things the heathen seek, but they shall seek Me, the Living God, who is able to save and whose counsel is unlike that of man. They will find that they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them. The wisdom of this world is passing away and the Kingdom of God is being established in this day. It is an everlasting kingdom built on the wisdom of God.

Make every effort to let go of worldly wisdom. Those things that appear foolish to the world will shame the wise, for a standard has been set and the measuring line has been drawn. Every idol in the hearts and minds of man shall be exposed. Every philosophy that has its roots in the ways of the world will be brought into the light, and My judgement shall come upon those who refuse to leave the world behind, for in this day, you will have no other gods. Commit yourself into My hands and the world will not be able to hold you bound, but you will be raised up into newness of life.

The wind of My Spirit is swirling round. The winds are increasing. I am speeding up My coming. I hear the heart’s cry of the people. I see their plight, that their situations look hopeless. But help is on the way! I am sending aid. I am raising up and sending out those to reach the lost with the hope of the message of life. I am opening the doors, those that have been barred shut. By the power of My Spirit the barricades are coming down. I have put a cry in the hearts of My people to go to the lost, to take the message of the gospel, the message of hope to those who are lost and dying in their sins. I am raising up the means to employ these to go forth with My message. The doors of those places that have been marked for My purposes are being opened. Go forth, My people. Do not hesitate, but go forth in the power of My Spirit into these places and take them as ground for the work of the Lord to be established upon.

In this day, says the Lord, the lamp of My Spirit is burning brightly and I am opening up revelation. The way is being shown clearly. Just as the pieces of a puzzle lock together to form a picture, the full picture of what I am doing is being revealed. Connections are being made, and you will begin to see how the parts of the Body are coming together with each other and how, as each functions in their individual calling, they will be brought together with those of like-mind. In this day the whole Body will function according to the end-time ministry to reach the lost.

Hook up with those I am putting you together with. Find how you fit together, for the puzzle is coming together and soon you will see the finished picture. Do not miss an opportunity. When you hear My voice, obey. Know that those who are being brought to you, have been sent. Take the opportunity to incorporate them into the plan and work being revealed to you. Take the opportunity to strengthen bonds with these, for I am gathering the troops together. Just as in an army formation there are several troops, each with a specific game plan, the troops are being brought into formation and being made ready to play their part in the plan. Orders are from the Head which is Christ. Those who are front-line troops are those who will step out and begin the work.

Seek My direction, for I am about to reveal the details. As you hear, step out without doubt and wavering, for what you are called to is only a small part of the whole picture, and it is imperative that you act on the instructions given for the whole picture to come together. If you lack wisdom, ask and the Heavenly Father will give it to you. Every good gift comes from the Father above and you will lack nothing if you are faithful to ask.

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