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BEING TRANSFORMED - April 27, 2022

“I hold fast to your statutes, O Lord; do not let me be put to shame. I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free. Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end. Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart. Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word. Fulfill your promise to your servant so that you may be feared.”

Psalm 119:31-38

In this day and in this hour the tide is turning. You will see the change that takes place even in your own heart. All your desires, dreams, and aspirations will begin to center solely on the Lord your God. Every worldly passion will fade away and your heartbeat shall be for Him only. I am taking you into the inner chambers. You will be drawn by the power of My love. No longer will you be on the outside looking in. No longer will you be kept out of the presence of the Lord, for I am beckoning you into the Holy of Holies. I am opening the doors into My glory, into My fullness. You will not be the same, for I shall change you. I shall give life to your mortal body and you shall function in great capacity in the flood of giftings I am releasing in this day. All hindrances shall be removed. All roadblocks shall be blown apart, for I am propelling you forward and you shall go ahead in the call upon your life. Great is the Father’s faithfulness. Great is His mercy and grace toward those who walk uprightly before Him.

Do not be down hearted. Do not be dismayed, for great is the Father's love toward you. He will not leave you, nor forsake you. He hears your heart’s cry to draw nearer to Him. He sees your heart’s desire to enter into His fullness, to be used of Him for His purposes. There is no stopping Him from moving forth on your behalf, for He sees and is pleased.

Increase is coming to those who wait upon the Lord and every area of need is being looked after. I am supplying everything My people need. I will meet your deepest needs. You will see My faithfulness to reach down into every part of your being and uproot that which is not of Me. I will pull up the weeds that have been planted. I will eliminate them from the lives of My people and put in seeds of life. The ground is fertile and will bear much fruit. All aspects of your being shall function together to glorify the Lord your God. No part shall be used for your own glory, but every part will come into line with the heart of the Father.

I will administer life abundant to those vessels that have been cleansed and made holy, and holiness is coming into the lives of My people, for they are being transformed and brought out of darkness into light and life which are in the Son. I am coming soon and will make all things new. I will raise up the standard, not a standard of man, but a standard of the Lord. Healing will eradicate every disease from within the body, for it will have no right and will no longer have a hold.

A freshness is about to be released unto those who long for the Lord’s coming. They are reaching out to the life giver and they shall receive life from Him, and this is life, that you may know Him. I am opening the doors and you will walk into abundant life. You will enter into the presence of the Lord and into the power of His love. You shall partake of it, be filled with it, and it shall radiate and flow forth from you.

You are almost ready to enter in. You are willing to give up the works of the flesh and the striving after worldly wealth. You are willing to let go of selfish ambition. It is the Father’s will that you walk the path laid out before you. It is the Father’s will that you function in the giftings released to you in full capacity. I am increasing the giftings and abilities. I am imparting great authority into you through giftings. Door after door will open before you and you shall move into areas of authority as the giftings are released. You have just begun to taste of that which the Lord has prepared for you. There is much, much more. As you step out in obedience to the leading of My Spirit, you will be walked into these positions of authority. You will be made ruler over much.

Great are the works and ways of the Lord! None can comprehend them. They are high above the ways of man. I am able to do all things. I will give you life. You will not need to look in every crack and cranny for these are empty places. Life is in Me. My abundance will fulfill all your needs. Look to Me and I will give you what you desire. I will bless you abundantly, beyond what you ask or think. Draw near to Me. I am your hope. I am your defender and your shield. I am the lifter of your head. Do not look around to others. Do not look to them to lead you to life. They have not found it, but only a substitute. I will give you real life. It is in the person of Jesus. It is in Him that you will find and experience true life.

I am tearing down the facades, the false fronts. Their intrigue will be brought to the ground. Their appeal will diminish and they will no longer be able to deceive. I am pulling down the strongholds, the power of false securities. They will be trampled underfoot. You shall carry the truth within you and demonstrate it to those around you and as you do, their guards shall come down and they shall be naked and ashamed. They will come to you to direct them to the Way, the truth, and the Life. They shall no longer lord it over My people, for they shall be stripped to the ground in this day, and will desperately seek the Lord. They will recognize that He alone gives life, that He alone rules and reigns high above the earth, and that the earth is His footstool.

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Wow! Confirmation of past words in my life. Thank you LORD. Thank you, Shirley.🤠

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