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AN END TO EVIL-DOERS - February 22, 2024

“He made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.”

Ephesians 1:9-10


“But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”

Matthew 13:16-17

“He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”


I am taking you out of your comfort zone. I am thrusting you into the flow flowing forth from My throne. You are moving along in the way opened to you. I am leading you on. You are being released from a yoke of slavery that has been put upon you by the efforts of men. It is the day of your release and you will be released into the highways and byways, into the thrust and flow going forth. Dams and roadblocks are being removed. The power of words spoken over you is being broken and you will run the race with great endurance, great ability, and great agility. I have ordained that the harvest fields be harvested and the fruit brought into the barns and this is the day when I am releasing ministry gifts to the Body of Christ. Every gifting will be incorporated. Watch to see the remarkable results of efforts made to develop the giftings.

Every false security will be swept away. It will be a clean sweep as I move through the land to pull down the idols and ashera poles. The boat is sinking for those who put their trust in the things of the flesh, but a new breed is being raised up in the earth. These shall march out in the liberty of the Holy Spirit to take down the high places. Their mandate is to trample underfoot the things that war against the Spirit of the Lord. Jesus is reigning and ruling through these, His instruments of praise. The sound is going forth to pull down kingdoms built by the hands of men!

This is the day of great exploits. This is the appointed time for the Father's heart to be made manifest in the earth and for the word of the Lord to reach the ends of the earth. This is the day and this is the hour. Expect great things. Anticipate a great outpouring from the Father above as never before.

In this day is a great awakening to things hidden in the past. An emphasis is being put on a new building, a new structure. I am on the move, building the church victorious. No longer will the name of the Lord be trampled in the dirt. No longer will the witness of Jesus Christ bear no fruit. I am causing the branch of Jesse to spring forth into bud, to be rebirthed into the earth. There has been a cycle since the beginning of time, a cycle of events leading up to the fulfillment of the age, and in this day, the fulfillment has come. All things are culminating in Jesus Christ, the root and offspring of David. This is the fulfillment of prophecy given to the prophets of old, the bearers of the word of the Lord, being fulfilled in this generation. Search the scriptures, test the prophecy, see that it is the time of its fulfillment. The prophets of old longed to see it and you will see the fulfillment in your midst.  The restructuring is on schedule. Its components are being brought together and linked up one with another. The fit is tight and secure.

 Every lie is being removed. Every deception is being taken down. Only the truth shall prevail in this day. Those who function under a curtain of illusions will be exposed. Their trickery will be made manifest to all and they shall be shown up for what they are, a host of deceivers working evil in the camp. You will see their deception. Your eyes will be opened to their tricks and craft. There has never been a day like this. The Lion of Judah is roaring through the land to expose the enemy’s schemes to immobilize the troops sent forth to do battle. The veil is coming down and a true picture will be revealed.

Many put their trust in the familiar. Many have their hope and security in a system that exalts the efforts of men. Many seek to be known for their expertise, their cunning, and their craftiness. They thrive on the applause of men, but they are running out of steam, and their engines are about to be shut down. Their attempts to trick the people with illusions will be made evident to all.

You will see the collapse of a system that has dominated the people for generations. It is happening in this generation. An end is coming to the evil-doers, those who practice falsehood. Every lie is being exposed and the truth is being revealed. The people have believed a lie. They submitted themselves to an hierarchy of ungodly men and allowed themselves to be boxed in and fed untruths. This has been their portion, but the time is here and the time is now when I shall smite the enemy and set the prisoners free, bring sight to the blind, and liberty to the captives!

Revel in the Father's love, for the Father has seen fit to rescue the perishing, to bring life to those without hope, to reveal the Son to a backslidden generation, a generation serving a form of religion and out of touch with the Father’s heart. I am breaking through the deception, pulling down every lie. I am building the church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against her.


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