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“The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.”


“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him.”


Rest in Me. Abide in Me. Come under the protection of My wing, for I am moving forth in this day to capture the hearts of the people. I am wooing My Bride unto Myself. I am drawing her into intimacy with Me. She will no longer chase after other gods. She will no longer give her affections to others. She will no longer commit adultery with the world, but she will become faithful to her husband who is the Lord. Her eyes will be for Him only and she will not be swayed by the charms of others. I am putting great discernment into her and she will be able to recognize the tactics of the tempter when he comes to woo her away from Me.


Dance before Me. Delight yourself in Me, captive daughter of Zion. I am your shield and your buckler, your fortress, your protector. You are safe in My arms of love. Darts thrown at you cannot touch you, for you are hemmed in on all sides by the power of My love. Rest in Me, My love. Delight yourself in Me. I find you lovely in My sight. I receive your love gift unto Me, your continual admiration and offering of praise. I delight Myself in you, in your love. You will be with Me in paradise. We shall be together forever. You will see how pleased I am with your sacrifice of love toward Me. You will see how delighted I am with your choice to please Me at all costs. You will see how I remove from your path everything that would cause you to stumble, for I have chosen you for My own. I have crowned you with My glory and you shall wear it wherever you go.


Give glory to the King of Kings, for He has triumphed over every enemy. Every enemy is under His feet. Every dry valley is being watered and brought to bear fruit of a well-watered garden. Every desolation is being raised up in this day to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God and every area that had been destroyed by the enemy is being repaired. Every disappointment will flee. Every hardness of heart will be ground up ready for the planting of the Lord. Glory, honor, and power belong to the Lord. Righteousness and peace are His to give to those who long for Him. He is the glory and the lifter of your head. In Him is life and liberty.









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