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A WAKE-UP CALL - October 18, 2023

“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

“Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.”

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

Go forth. Do not hesitate, but go forth into the calling upon your life. I have raised you up in this day and given you great grace to move forth unhindered in the work I have given you. I am your light. I will guide you step by step. Be anxious for nothing, but in all your ways, acknowledge Me and I will make your paths straight. Take the path less trodden. Do not be satisfied to travel down the road of familiarity. I am taking you in a way you have not known. I am showering you with blessing and abundance of My Spirit. I am commissioning you to go into the highways and byways, to go into places of darkness to bring My light to the erring. I am equipping you and sending you. You will be fully-equipped to fulfill the mandate set before you. Do not ask what you will do tomorrow, but be faithful in what I show you today.

Take heed lest you fall. The way is narrow that leads to life. Many try to enter in on the wide way, but they are unable to meet face to face with their maker because their hearts are far from Me. They perform their religious duties, but they are unaware of My call upon their lives. They are in darkness though they claim to know the light. Will you go to them? Are you willing to go to these who are erring and lead them into everlasting life? Will you go into these places of refuge and bring the light and life of Christ? I am calling and equipping you to be taken into these places. There is a wake-up call going forth and I am asking you to take the call into these places. Many are undiscerning of the times. They have become idle in the Kingdom of God. They have allowed the enemy to put out the flame of passion for the Lord and they have closed their eyes and gone to sleep. I am opening the eyes of the blind in this day. I am sending in the wind of My Spirit to overturn tables in the temple. No longer will those who call themselves by My name remain idle bystanders in My kingdom. I have a job and a mandate for each one and I am bringing them into fruitfulness in the vineyard.

Watch and see what I do throughout the earth. I am pouring forth My Spirit in this day and bringing a hunger into the hearts of the people to know the Lord their God and they shall know Me and they shall do great exploits. I am about to burst the seams of those fellowships who say they are of Me. I will not allow complacency to set in. Be faithful to go into the places I send you, to sound forth the trumpet, to call the people from the dead to rise up into life. I am giving you the keys of entry into the places I want to send you. Go forth unhindered to establish the word of the Lord in the community, and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that I am Lord. Carry the torch high. Take My light to the nations. I am moving on your behalf. I am putting all things in order, ordering your footsteps aright.

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