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“At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

Daniel 12:1-4

I am turning the hearts of the people toward Me. I am rescuing the lost, the perishing. I am sending out the life boats to bring those lost out at sea into the harbor. I have sent out a rescue crew with the message of the cross, the glorious gospel of peace. A remnant will be brought in from the north, south, east, and west. They shall be ushered into the kingdom. They shall be directed into shore by the light that shines forth from the lighthouse that I am establishing in their midst. I will redirect their thinking. I will point them to the truth, to the One who cares. I will show them the way back to the Father.

Many will be drawn unto Me by the light that shines forth from vessels of light. You will see how I use you. Those who had their ears tuned to the world’s sounds will have their ears retuned to hear the sound of the Lord’s coming. I will open their ears to hear the sound of life going forth from the minstrels I am raising up in this day. Great joy and pleasure will be found in the lyrics and music being birthed forth in My people. A tide of hope is rolling in from off the sea, an abundance of song sweeping forth, words and music saturated with the message of salvation. Every word will minister life and hope to those who hear.

Trust in the Lord your God. Declare the Word of the Lord to the nations. Do not hold back, but publicly announce the Lord’s coming. Make it known to the nations. Publish it abroad. Proclaim it from the housetops. Let the people know that I am a righteous judge, a holy God, that I am the creator of all things, that I have set the heavens in place. Sing aloud about the love and compassion of God for a fallen generation. Let the people know that I have sent a Savior into the world to redeem them from destruction and the pit of hell. Herald that I have loved and laid down the life of My Son to bridge the gap between God and man. Let the world know that the Father loves His creation and wants to rescue them from the sea.

I will establish My covenant with you. I will be your God and you shall be My people. Set your goal upon the high calling, the calling to which your Heavenly Father has called you. Set your sights upon the author and perfector of your faith. Allow the Heavenly Father to mold you and make you as clay upon the potter’s wheel. Allow the Father to fashion you into a beautiful vessel for His use. You will see that I have a place for you in the work of the ministry, that I can fit you into the place I have ordained for you. Do not doubt, for I am able to do all things. I am able to mold and make you and place you into ministry.

The time is near when the trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall be raised up. You will see the power of God at work in your midst. As the song of the Lord goes forth, multitudes shall come to the feet of Jesus seeking to know the Savior.

Many profess to know Me, but their words are empty. They have only known a form of religion, and have not known the living God. But I am about to change this. I am about to reveal Myself to the nations. I am releasing witnesses into the earth to testify of Me. These are sealed with the glory of the Lord. They are the ones who have come into My presence and supped with Me. These shall witness My love to the ends of the earth. No longer shall the witness of My Son be contaminated with the lust, greed, and idolatry of men. I am sending forth a true witness, a resemblance of My Son in those who are His. His brilliance shall shine forth from them and the people shall be drawn unto Him by the brightness of His glory upon His chosen vessels, vessels of light, called and chosen of the Father. My witness shall go forth to take down the strongholds and delusion over the people for this army of warriors will do battle in the Heavenlies.

My light shall break through the darkness to reach every man, woman, and child with the truth. This is My desire, that they may know Me. This is My desire, that they would honor Me. My peace shall be upon those who choose to make Me their God. I am not far from those who would call out to Me.

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1 comentário

barb bachi
16 de mai. de 2022

Shirley you are so awesome. You are being obedient and sharing Gods word to us. So encouraged by his words. Thank you so much. I look forward to seeing you every time, hearing what God has given you to tell his people. Glory to God. May He Bless you and protect you. Thank you Jesus for this gift of your words and the one who you have chosen to share it. Hallelujah

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