“For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.”
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
“So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
This is the day of the Lord’s favor. Every high and lofty thing is coming down. Every low place is being raised up. The way is being made ready for the Lord’s return. Enter through the narrow way, for the wide way leads to destruction and many are they that go this way. Let go of wicked ways, everything that does not please the Lord, for in this day, the wicked ways of men will be revealed. Every lying spirit is being captured and brought into submission under the Lord’s feet. Every vile thing will be seen for what it is as the eyes of the blind are being opened to see the folly of the ways of man.
I am increasing the velocity of the winds of My Spirit in this day. Every covering will be stripped away to expose evil in the hearts of men. Every false concept will be exposed and brought under submission to the Lord. Those who have been caught prey to the Father of lies and have believed the lies of the enemy, have been trapped. They have been deceived and have walked in darkness, held captive and unable to go on in the things of God. But I am bringing the light of understanding into their midst They will clearly see the error of their ways and turn and be brought in line with the Word of the Lord.
Keep the fire of the Spirit burning. Add precept upon precept. You are being built into a structure built by God, the Master builder. The deep things of the Spirit of God are being revealed in this day, for I am doing a deeper work than any man can see. I am subjecting every unrighteous judgement made by men to the lordship of Jesus. The accuser of the brethren is being cut off, no longer able to hinder My elect from going forward in the power and anointing of My Spirit. Every enemy shall be put under your feet. Fire is being sent from heaven and it will burn the sacrifice. What is left will be incorporated into the structure I am building in this day.
You will reap where you have not sown if you put your hope in Me. You will see the lost coming from far and wide, being herded up, gathered up in this day, for I am the Good Shepherd, and I am bringing the sheep home. If you love me and keep My commandment to love one another you will reap a great harvest of souls, for I am putting the sickle into your hands and you shall reap of the fields which are ready to be harvested.
Coming is a day of great trial and tribulation as the world has never known. The time is short, the end is near, and just as in the days of Noah it will catch many unaware. This does not need to be so with you, My Beloved. I am sending out My warning all over the earth. I am calling out the news everywhere. I am sending out the “town criers” to get the message out. The rains are beginning to fall, the ark is prepared, but the people must enter it to be safe from the tribulation that is coming.
My plan to reach the nations with the message of My coming is in place. I have posted My messengers in strategic locations and equipped them with My word and with the means to distribute it. Take it into the highways and byways. Deliver it to the poor, for they shall receive it with gladness. They will not disrespect it, but will choose to heed it, for it is a light for their path. It will bring them home to the Father. Make it available on every street corner. Do not fear what man might do, but trust that I have prepared the way for My Word to go forth.
This is My Word - In the midst of a perverse generation I have reserved a remnant who will please the Lord their God. These are the ones who will reign and rule with the Lord in His coming kingdom. Do not fear the tribulation that is coming, but be prepared to be lifted up out of it. Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. They shall enter into the ark prepared, be lifted up out of the flood waters, and be brought to safety.
Powerful is the Word of God. It is a two-edged sword. Distribute it. It will accomplish what it is sent out to do. I have given it to you. It is not your word so do not try to protect it for it stands alone and speaks for itself. You need no explanation for it. I will give you the map and show you where to take it.
The shroud is being dispersed, the skies are clearing, the fog is dissipating, and the light is shining through. The people are able to receive. I am moving you on into deeper waters of My Spirit. You will go deeper into the wells of salvation, be baptized into their waters, carry the message of hope with you, and bring salvation to the poor.
Heed My word. Do not doubt it, but heed what it is saying. This is a day like no other. All the things you never dreamed possible are coming to pass in this generation. All the promises of God are yes and amen!