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I am connecting My Bride in the realm of the Spirit. Those who are of like-mind will flow together, but those who do not see eye to eye will drift apart. This is a spiritual building. You will recognize each other by the Spirit. You will join in the Spirit and form a connection. This joining will form a coalition, a fortified front that will push forth to take ground from the enemy. So do not be afraid to step out of the norm, out of the familiar, but move out according to My leading. You will begin to see what I am doing, how the forces are being joined and strengthened.

This is the day of renewal, of a renewed mind-set for those who are open to My leading. Great are My mercies. Great are My ways. I will move forward in an unprecedented way. I will break through opposing forces and move My Beloved on and into places of great authority in the realm of My spirit.

Open wide your heart to receive all I have for you. I am opening doors to adventures out of the ordinary. I am thrusting you through and into divine appointments. I am leading My Own through the briars and the thickets, down the pathway leading to My promises. I am opening up vistas, panoramic views before their eyes and giving understanding of the New Day they have stepped into.

This is a day when the truth about matters shall be revealed, when those things hidden will be brought out into the open. Those who have waited patiently for Me to open doors before them are experiencing a new, fresh revelation of the Father’s heart, for it has been in waiting for Me that they have learned patience and it is in their waiting that they have become dependant upon Me to move them forward and into those things that are not visible to the human eye, but spiritually discerned.

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