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A SHIFT IN THE STRUCTURE - November 8, 2023

“And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?”

“‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’ You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.” And he continued, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions!”

Mark 7:6–9

On this day changes shall be made and you will see them. I am moving to take down the walls that have held My people bound. I am leveling to the ground that which has kept out My Chosen Ones and has sought to protect its own choices. I will not allow My loved ones to be considered unworthy, but I shall push them forward into position as leaders and figures of great authority. They shall be brought up to the front and begin to lead the people into the truth. Bound by years of tradition, many have become enslaved to worthless rules and regulations and have not understood that the spirit of religion crucified the Christ and is still at work in the world to bring the unsuspecting under its power.

Holy is the Lord. He is holy in all His ways. Great and glorious is His name. I will institute praise in the earth. I will guide and direct the song of the Lord. I shall implement the words, the rhythm. I shall make My ways known to the generations. I shall declare My righteousness to the people. All the earth shall worship Me. All the earth shall give Me praise. I will declare My glory in the earth. Your children shall see My glory and your sons and your daughters shall glorify My name. I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will never die. I will establish My covenant with you and your seed. I will triumph over injustice. I shall declare righteousness to the nations.

Hold fast to what I have shown you. Get a glimpse of the magnitude of the work I have assigned you to. Cherish the revelation, for it shall come to pass quickly. It shall be done as outlined to you. You shall see it with your eyes. I am on the move to storm the gates of hell and to rescue the perishing. I am at work to accomplish everything I have outlined to you. Profess Me with your mouth. Open wide to call into being that which has been promised to you. I will not abandon you, but I will raise you up.

I am tearing down barriers that have kept My servants out of the ministry. I am eroding pillars put into the structure that have held My people at bay. I am laying to waste the intentions of men and replacing them with My intentions. You will see the change, the shift over from a structure that has housed the intentions of men to one that flows in the power and ministry of the Spirit. The shift is coming soon, and when it does, you will be implemented into the work, for I have ordained My chosen vessels to give leadership, to instruct, to put into place the oracles and intentions of the Lord, to bring in the wisdom and admonition of the Lord.

You will see My power break through the barricades and flood the sanctuary to bring into submission those who have hoarded the Father’s House and denied My servants entry and freedom to prophecy. I am coming through to take down the hierarchy of evil doers and to institute justice. You will see how I bombard the gates of hell and set the prisoners free. I am about to smite the enemy that has risen up against Me and My servants of light, My light bearers. I am about to blow to bits the stronghold of the enemy and to come and cleanse the temple. You will marvel at My great wisdom. I am on the move to establish My will in the earth and to build My house. All opposition is waning. I am weakening the forces that war against Me. My judgement is coming upon those who refuse to surrender to My will. I will remove them. You will see the shift over. I am taking power and authority out of the hands of the unjust and transferring it to those who seek Me with all their heart.

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