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“You shall serve the Lord your God, and he will bless your bread and your water, and I will take sickness away from among you.”

“Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.”

“And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”

Honor the Lord. Give Him thanksgiving and praise. Declare His praise in the earth. Admonish those who need to hear about His saving grace. Tell them of His mercy. Direct them to the foot of the cross. Show them their need of the Savior and draw them into repentance. Select words of life and liberty. Turn their focus to the only true God.

Revival is coming to the nations. I am sweeping through and turning the hearts of the people to the Father. I am opening the eyes of the people to clearly see a way out of defeat. Introduce them to the Lord. Invite them to sup at His table, to come to eat the fare prepared there. Multitudes will come for answers. Direct them to the Heavenly Father. Counsel them to buy gold refined in the fire. Instruct them in the way everlasting.

I am opening up to you financial positioning. I am posting you into a place where you shall flourish, where finances will come rolling in. I will spread forth the ministry as branches of a large tree whose leaves are for the healing of the nations. Healing and salvation go hand in hand. I will bring healing to multitudes who come to Me for help. I will open the door to healing, to a method by which the nations shall obtain healing. It is in a new revolutionized society that man will be restored to health.

I am dealing with the issue of health, says the Lord, and am about to revamp, to introduce to the people a revolutionary new way to obtain health. I am about to revolutionize the health care industry, to cause an explosion in health care! I am taking the keys out of the hands of the wicked and taking the wicked out of the driver’s seat and positioning those of My choosing into the place of authority in the industry. I have designated drivers who will steer the system, who will take over the reigns and will direct affairs. So join in. Take part of the greatest revolution to hit the planet! Technology will change. I am instructing My technicians, placing them into the industry, and they shall institute change. I have positioned some in the forefront, hooked them into the new, and they shall be instrumental to deliver the goods to the ends of the earth.

This is a revolution! I am taking over health care, says the Lord. I am positioning My chosen ones at the head in the industry and giving them the tools to distribute the goods nationally and globally to bring healing and salvation to the nations. This is the day of change in the earth’s system. I have ordained it and it shall come to pass. I am positioning those to distribute goods and wares to the people. Introduce the products. Supply them and watch to see how the system grows and extends to reach the nations.

I fed the hungry and bound up their wounds while I walked the earth, says the Lord, and now I shall extend My hand to the people through proper health care. I will introduce to them a life giving portion. Just as manna in the desert fed the thousands, I am releasing manna in the desert place in this day. A small portion will bring the healing. So watch to see what I do next, how I take the health care system out of the hands of the wicked and deliver it into the hands of the righteous. Watch to see how I revolutionize society. I will pull out the props to a system that feeds off the people and it shall fall.

I am positioning My elect to rule in the industry and to dictate codes of behavior to the people through the health care system. Expect great change. Expect to be changed as you partake of the manna I release to you and you will be used mightily to bring in the new, to usher in the new way I am doing things. The network will reach over the whole earth and shall dictate policy in the up-coming health care system. I am moving My pawns around on the board, placing them strategically into the health care industry to usher the products out universally. These are My representatives. I will give the words to speak and they will be My spokespersons who will inform and instruct nations. Global positioning, I am positioning them globally to direct the products through the pipelines to their destiny. They will act as a channel for the goods to flow through.

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