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“You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

“So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.”

I am not a respecter of persons. I play no favorites. I have a calling and destiny upon each life and My desire is that each begin to walk in that calling. I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy. I will reveal Myself to those who seek Me and whoever calls upon My name will be saved.

I have instituted a system to reach the lost and I have called and appointed many to be participants in its outreach efforts. So take heed, for it is by grace that I am moving out and calling out to those to join in the festivities. I am not a God of confusion, but a God of peace. I will bring everything into order and a proper order and perspective will be obvious to all. I will dispel all confusion and error to bring all things into place, so rejoice, for the time is short and I will come with healing in My wings. I am the glory and the lifter of your head and I will fight on your behalf.

I am lifting the veil in this day. Things that were hidden are being revealed. The light of My countenance is shining forth through My elect to take down the walls of hostility and to cause those who were hostile to become as putty. I will do away with finger-pointing, with bribery, with haughtiness. In this day the Spirit of the Pharisee is being exposed to no longer go undetected. Defenses of those who oppose the movings of My Spirit will be removed. All false fronts and all pretenses will be brought down and those who have covered themselves will be made naked in the sight of all, for I will remove every claim to fame. I am a God of love and provision and I will quench the fiery darts of the enemy. I am coming to bring justice upon the earth. I am the righteous judge and do not judge with partiality as man judges.

I am calling in My elect from the four corners of the earth. I am gathering in those who hear the call and respond. Great shall be the peace of those who come with rejoicing to lay everything at the Lord’s feet. Great shall be the abundance supplied to those who are willing to let go of the things of the world to do the Father's will. I am raising up prophets and apostles in this day who will build the house of the Lord. They shall be the pillars that hold the whole structure together. It has been appointed for this time that the restructuring take place, that the old structure come to the ground and be replaced by a new living structure, living stones being positioned into a building that houses the Lord.

Great are the mysteries to be revealed in this day. The old shall pass away, and all things shall be made new. I am coming that they might have life abundant. This life is in the Son and there will be no life apart from Him. Those who partake of the Spirit will be built into the new structure.

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