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A NEW GENERATION - September 8, 2022

“And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

“And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.”

Luke 14:23

“All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.”

Time and time again I will remind My people of My unfailing love for them. Again and again I will make known My goodness to them, for they are unable to comprehend what a loving Heavenly Father I am. They will stand amazed when they see Me open the windows of heaven and pour down My blessings upon them. They will be in awe as I intervene in their negative situations to turn things around and bring all parties involved to their knees. They will recognize that I am faithful to all generations, that My love is poured out from on high.

I am bringing in a great harvest from the earth and My love shall draw the outcast in. No longer will the outsider be considered a stranger. I am making a way for every man, woman, and child to experience the Father's love and acceptance. This is the new building I am building, a building that includes those who have been far off. This building will reach out in the Father's love to touch and heal those who have been without hope. No longer will boundaries and perimeters be set to exclude these, but the walls shall come down, and as they do, the hungry shall flood into the assembly to receive what the Father has for them.

You will see the removal of every wall that has been erected between the church and the world. I am removing prejudice and unrighteous judgements out of the hearts of My people and they shall allow Me to take down their walls of defense. They shall be broken and poured out to those in the world and in the streets. They shall no longer separate themselves from the unsaved, but go forth to be a light in the darkness, to reach out with the Father’s heart of love to snatch them from the hold of the enemy. I am doing a great and awesome work among the people. Every false security My people have put their trust in in the assembly will be pulled out from under them. The walls will crumble and come tumbling down and the debris will be burned to ashes. I am raising up a people in this day whose hope is in the living God and not in temporal things. Religion will no longer hold them bound, for they shall be released from her shackles to dance and shout and bless the Lord with everything that is within them.

I am raising up a people whose hearts will burn with compassion for the lost, for the outcast. These will be willing to lay their lives down for the sake of the gospel. They will boldly step across the lines set by men and go in to take the land for the Kingdom of God. They shall not fear men, but be propelled forth by the resurrection power of Christ to gather in the fruit of the harvest. These are being released into the earth by the Heavenly Father. Their commission is from Him and they shall march out in unity. Everywhere their feet tread, they shall take the ground, bringing the love and joy and peace of the Kingdom to the people. No one will be able to refute these, for they are messengers of reconciliation commissioned by the Father for the ministry of reconciliation. You will see these go forth in the power and glory of the Lord. The fragrance of the Lord shall radiate from them, for they have been crowned with His glory and His presence goes with them. Watch and you will see these going forth bringing in the sheaves, for those around them shall be drawn unto Me by the power of My presence that encompasses them.

I am doing a great work. I am laying low the haughty and raising up a breed whose hearts are set on the Father and seek to do His will. This is the day of release for those who have sought the face of the Lord and have been refined and changed in His presence. They have been built by the Father and they are being built and raised up to do the Father's bidding. They shall not fear the arrow by night nor the pestilence by day, for their Father is their protection and their safety is under His wing. They are shielded from the fiery darts of the enemy and no weapon formed against them is able to prosper.

I have done this work. I have birthed a generation in the earth that whole-heartedly follows the Lamb wherever He goes. I have accomplished this great feat and all the inhabitants of the earth shall marvel at the workmanship of My hands and they shall exalt the name of the Lord among the nations. They shall proclaim the greatness of God to the ends of the earth and raise up a banner proclaiming that Jesus is Lord.

All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord and all the inhabitants of the earth shall give Him praise. Lift up your voices, tell of His great deeds, give Him praise and adoration, for He is coming and praises shall usher in His coming. They are loosing the power of the enemy over the people and making them ready to receive Him.

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