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“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.”

“Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God.”

“Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”

Matthew 13:30

The Lord is taking His people into a purifying process to change them into His image. There has been opposition to this work of the spirit by those sent in by the enemy, those in sheep’s clothing who really do not belong to the Lord. The Lord is exposing and uprooting these tares, pulling them up and throwing them into the fire in His judgement against them. And so there is taking place a separation between those who truly belong to the Lord and those who are imposters.


Fear not the turmoil round about, for this is the trampling of the nations. This is the day of judgement upon those who have stolen from My people, upon those who come in in sheep’s clothing to lead My people astray. The motives of these is selfish gain, and they have been sent in by the enemy to cause division and to bring confusion into the ranks. Their purpose is to thwart the call upon the lives of My people and to abort the work of purification I am doing in this day. They do not belong to Me. They are not of My flock and they will not taste of the goodness of God, but they shall undergo the judgement of God, for the time is now when the tares are being pulled up, bundled, and thrown into the fire. This is the day of the vengeance of God, and this is the hour of judgement upon the nations.

Take heed to the Word of the Lord, for those who refuse to hear are about to suffer great loss. Their deeds of darkness are about to be openly exposed and there will be no place for them to hide from the judgement that is coming upon them.

Be of good cheer, My beloved children, for I have overcome the world. This is the day of your release. You shall be set free from the oppression of the enemy and you shall jump for joy as calves released from the stall. Do not fear the uprooting all around you, for those who are not of My flock are being removed from your midst. A weeding process is taking place and the house of the Lord is being cleansed. Those who submit to the purifying work of My Spirit, drinking deeply and continually of the living water being released into their midst, are being changed into the image of the Son. Those who refuse to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ are being frustrated in their attempts to hinder this work and there shall be a great separation between those who are mine and those who are imposters. The righteous shall shine like the sun, but the imposters will fall away into destruction.

Run with Me, My children. Keep your eyes set on the goal, Jesus Christ, and you will finish the race to receive the prize. I will equip you with everything you need to run. My joy shall be your strength. Nothing will be able to steal your joy and you shall run unhindered to accomplish the work that I have laid out for you. Continue to shake off everything that hinders, every weight that tries to slow you down. Cast all your cares on Me.

Bring every concern to Me. Know that I am your God and I will vindicate you. I will give you great endurance and you will not be blocked or slowed down by the enemy. You will trample the enemy underfoot and crush the serpent’s head and you shall finish the race to receive the prize.

I am sending you out in this day , into the highways and byways. My presence is going before you to dispel the darkness, to roll back the clouds, and to bring the light to those who walk in darkness. I am making you ready, My children. I am preparing the way. You are about to be released into the fullness of My Spirit and to be thrust forth. My grace will carry you and the power of My Spirit working through you shall break through the darkness and minister life to the hopeless.

I will equip you with every good gift and you shall go forth in these giftings in the power and anointing of My Spirit. I will open the door, and you shall go through to find yourself functioning in the giftings and anointing in a degree you did not expect. I am removing every barrier. I am releasing you into My fullness and into the call upon your life to bring My Word to the nations, to bring hope to those who know no hope. Your joy shall be full and joy will radiate from you unto those to whom you speak the Word of life, and those who hear the word spoken unto them shall be drawn by it. They will recognize that this joy unspeakable is from the Lord.

Get ready, for you are about to be moved into a position of authority you did not expect. It is not one instituted by man, but by God and you will flow in the giftings released unto you. I am giving you My heart for the people and compassion for them will flow forth from deep within you to break down walls and strip away the hold of the enemy over their lives. The love of the Father shall flow forth from you, bringing healing to the people. The time is here, the time is now when these things shall come to pass.

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