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A GREAT SEPARATION - February 26, 2024



The purpose of the prophet and spiritual warfare is to bring everything into alignment with the truth and statutes of the word of God. Both the prophet and the intercessor use the “spoken word of the Lord” to accomplish this.  The word has power and by speaking the word forth it accomplishes what the Lord sent it out to accomplish.

“Yet the Lord testified against Israel and against Judah, by all of His prophets, every seer, saying, “Turn from your evil ways, and keep My commandments and My statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by My servants the prophets.”


“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”


“And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy.”


“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.”

1 Corinthians 10:3-6

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” 

James 1:19-20



The pool has gone stagnant and I cannot use it. It will dry up. Those who refuse to flow with the river of My Spirit will be left out of what I am doing. You will see the dead, stagnant pools dry up. They have made no effort to join in with the works I am doing in this day. They have sat in judgement and judgement has come upon them. Those who were called and destined to be a part of the work I am doing and have not heeded the word of the prophet will suffer great loss. Everything that had been given to them will be taken away and given to another. These did not consider the words spoken to them, but chose to justify their own works and they stand condemned.

In this day a great separation is taking place. Those who refuse to respond to the word spoken through the prophets will be misguided and unfruitful. I have assigned a commission to My chosen vessels, the prophets, in this day. They are being sent out to warn the people, to bring the word of the Lord to those who are wandering in a waste land. Those who receive the word will be directed onto the pathway to life, but those who reject the word of the prophet will be left up to their own devices to navigate through turbulent waters.

There is great contempt for the word of the Lord as it goes forth throughout the land. Those who embrace it will find life, but those who resist it will find themselves lost out to sea. You will see those who refuse the word of the Lord sink into oblivion. Their own cunning and understanding will lead them to destruction.

I am doing a great work in this day. I am weeding out of the kingdom those whose hearts are defiled and unrepentant. Hardness of heart only increases as the rebuke of the Lord comes to them. I am a faithful Father to those who acknowledge Me, but those who are led by their own understanding are bearing fruit of their waywardness. The time of the harvest has come and those who have sowed discord and strife will reap a harvest of the same. Those who have sowed love and encouragement will reap an abundance of joy in the days to come. What a man sows, also will he reap.

I am moving My army out and great shall be the exploits of the Army of the Lord. Every high and lofty thing will come crashing down under its authority. Everything that exalts itself will be brought into humility. You will see the glory of the Lord manifest in the earth as the ranks march forth to storm the gates of hell, to uncover every vile thing and expose it to the light of the Holy Spirit, for everything shall be measured to the standard of holiness set in the land.

Take the sword of the Spirit and cut away the entanglements with those who sow discord. Have nothing to do with them. Separate yourself from them that you may not be contaminated. Withdraw from their ranks of destruction. Abdicate and join in with the ranks of the Lord’s army to bring healing and deliverance across the land. Do not succumb to the pressures to take up offense against a brother. Love even your enemy, and you will reap a harvest of love, peace, and joy, for the kingdom of the Lord is all of these and there is no room for jealousy, malice, and strife. Come out from among them. Separate yourself from them and join the King's ranks to bring life and liberty to a hurting generation. Steer clear of those who are intent upon stirring up discord. Love covers a multitude of sin. Love conquers all. Seek the way of love.

I am putting into your hands the keys to heaven and hell. Use them to unlock the doors that have shut the people out from the presence of the Lord. Introduce them to the One who is able to give them life in abundance. Show them the way to the Father. Waste no time, for the time is short and the days are evil. Make room for the prodigal. Open the doors to those who have been without hope. Welcome in the stranger, for in doing this, you are welcoming Me. I will open the doors and make way for opportunities to take the message to the streets. I will send you forth with the message of salvation and nothing will be able to hinder you. I have apprehended every enemy. I have diffused the power of the enemy to involve you in dissention. I have taken this weapon away and you are unaffected and unharmed by fierce attacks against you.

You who have stood the test, not backed down to the vehement attacks and accusations of the enemy, but stood your ground like a good soldier, I am taking on into even greater battles. Your expertise at wielding the weapons of warfare given you has earned you honor and you will go on to take ground from the enemy. I will strengthen you, equip you, and move you forward into the battleground. Every enemy that raises itself against you will be defeated. I am releasing even greater authority to you. You will have power over every demon. With one word from your mouth you will cut your attacker to the ground. I have given you the weapons of warfare. I have given you the sword of the Spirit which is able to cut between flesh and spirit. As you speak forth the word of the Lord, every enemy is apprehended, for nothing is able to stand against the power of the word of the Lord. You will see how effective the word of the Lord is. You will see it bring down powers and principalities. It has the power to apprehend every demon in hell, every principality, every ruler. Take authority over every thought, every action that does not line up with the word of the Lord.

Call down the high places, those things that exalt themselves above the knowledge of the Lord. Great shall be the spoil that you take back from the enemy. As you march into the enemy’s camp, you will have every weapon of warfare at your disposal. Stand firm and watch the salvation of the Lord as you speak forth His word. Nothing is able to refute the word of the Lord, no schemes, no cunning, nor craftiness of man, for the word of the Lord is powerful to the pulling down of strongholds and it will accomplish its purpose without fail every time.

I have given you My word. I have entrusted it to you. I have equipped you with it. It is a powerful weapon in your arsenal. It will accomplish what it is sent out to do. Be faithful to speak the word forth. It brings correction, encouragement, life to its hearers. It rescues them from the hands of the enemy. It exposes lies and deception and it will continue to do this till every lie and deception is brought under the floodlight of the Holy Spirit. The word of the Lord is being sent out in this day to expose the liar and to apprehend him. It will effectively do its job.

This is the day when all things will be consummated in the Son. Those who refuse to repent of their evil ways will have no part with the Son. Only those who give up their lives to the purifying work of the Holy Spirit will enter into the life of the Son, for life is in Him alone, and there is nothing else for man to put trust in. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken and when the securities are shaken away there will be no place to hide. The truth will be seen. Every false security in a man’s life will be exposed. Whatever he puts his trust in apart from the Lord will be made clear. Council those who put their trust in the things of this life to buy gold without cost. Though they kick and scream, do not relent, but continue to warn the people. When the day comes and every ungodly thing they put their trust in is exposed, they will remember the word of the prophet and  will repent and be healed and brought into right-relationship with the Son.

I am moving throughout the land to remove every prop, every pillar that has not been posted of Me. Every security will be uprooted out of the lives of My people, and they will come crawling to Me on their knees in repentance, for I will no longer tolerate a lukewarm generation. The people will either burn with passion for the Son or fall away. There will be no room for those who have one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom of God. I will not tolerate those who seek glory for themselves and refuse to submit to the lordship of Jesus over every area of their lives. You will see those who do these things plucked out of the kingdom of God and thrown onto the dung heap, for salt that has lost its saltiness is useless.

The pressure is building and a great explosion is about to break forth. Those who have sought the Lord with all their heart will be brought into the fullness of the Spirit, marching forth, doing great exploits for their king. Those who have stood in judgement will be swept away by the floodwaters. Not one who is not rooted and grounded in the Lord will be able to stand in the shaking that is coming. Every motive will be exposed. Every hardness of heart will be brought into the light. Ministries not rooted and grounded in the truth will be uprooted and blown to pieces in the winds that will prevail. Nothing will be left for a man to put his trust in except the Lord God. The Lord will be the anchor in the storm. Everything will be tossed to and fro and blown apart. But those who put their trust in the Lord shall shine with the radiance of the Son. The joy of the Lord shall carry them through the storm.

I have commissioned many to spread the word of the Lord to the ends of the earth. Be faithful to do your part. Announce the coming of the King. Entrust the truth to those who will hear. Be a co-laborer with the Lord of the harvest to bring in the sheaves. I am giving you the avenues to work through to usher the word forth. You will begin to see opportunities open to you to send forth the word.


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