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Updated: May 6, 2022

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

“I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you. And my people shall never again be put to shame.”

“For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord, because they have called you an outcast: ‘It is Zion, for whom no one cares!’

“Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy.”

“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”

“Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago.”

I am replacing therapeutics, mainstreaming elements found in nature. You will see the shift over. I am taking down systems run by the world, modes and methods of treating disease and replacing them with the natural. I have been working behind the scenes, setting things up and have released a flood of natural health products throughout the land. I am not the author of confusion and there is no mixed message here. I have made a way where there has been no way. I have opened up an avenue of health care that had been blocked by a hierarchy of evil doers. I have broken the power of men and released a flow of environmentally friendly foods and products.

All those who made their incomes using chemically altered forms of plant life will find themselves out of a job. I am taking the keys out of their hands. I am taking control away from them and they will no longer reign and rule, but the kingdom that they have built shall topple. You will see the fall of the pharmaceutical industry. You will see the doors close to the medical profession.

Only those who seek to bring health and wholeness will remain. I am a jealous God and I have watched as the people became poisoned on doses of chemically altered medications. I have put a stop to it. No longer will the medical profession rule. I have upset the apple cart and shall dictate policy and take the wealth out of the hands of the wicked and direct it into the hands of those who truly seek to bring wholeness, well-being, and restored health to the people.

I am restoring all things, making changes, taking power out of the hands of the wicked and giving it to those who seek My will and My way. Do not be surprised when you see society altered. I am bringing in the new, revolutionizing society and implementing new direction. This surely is the day of change. A new day is dawning and the clock has been set for the changing of the seasons. I am bringing My people into the awareness of My presence. You will see that I desire to give back what the enemy has stolen, to replace what was lost. And I am turning back the clock in the lives of the people. No longer shall degenerative conditions plague My people. I am providing a way by which youth shall be restored. Marvel not at these things. I have given the technology to gather the benefits of nature and present them to a world of diseased and malfunctioning humans. I am restoring health to multitudes, giving them living waters and providing food for the hungry. As your soul prospers, so shall your health.

Delight yourself in what I have to offer. Trade in your disease-ridden body for a new revitalized one. Use the wisdom from above. Do not put it on a shelf, but implement it. Destruction has come upon the earth, great destruction, but I have made a way in the desert, I have provided streams of living water. Partake of them and be healed. Partake of the abundance of good things being offered and you shall gain life more abundant. I have not neglected My people, but I have made provision for them. I have provided everything that the human body needs to be refreshed and renewed. I have awakened those who have slumbered. I have given life to those who sought My will, and I will fulfill My promise to provide milk and honey in a land of plenty.

This is the day of transition. Nothing will remain the same. I am taking hold of every aspect of society and I will heal the land. You will see the transformation. I will rebuild the ancient ruins. I will gather men from afar. Understanding shall come to them. Enlightenment shall come. I am opening the secrets of the deep and bringing forth change on such a scale that all will see and understand that I indeed have come to make My ways known to an erring generation.

Be assured that the hierarchies of evil will lose their power and the provision of the Lord shall be released into the earth. I am restoring all things. Rest in the assurance that old is passing away and all things are being made new. Rejoice in knowing that the Lord reigns, and be encouraged that the Kingdom of God is being established in the earth and will be made manifest to all men.

Be ready to venture into new areas of praise. Be prepared to be moved up and into the forefront in ministry. I am posting My prophets on the four corners of the globe to demonstrate My power to the people. I have declared victory over the evil forces that have reigned. I am tearing down strongholds in the earth, bringing down the high places and establishing kingdom rule. Soon you shall see the kingdoms of the earth topple. One by one they will be taken down and replaced with My rule. Be faithful to the call, all you servants of the Lord. Know and understand that I have done an awesome work among the people. I have destroyed the work of the enemy and am replacing the systems of the world with godly ways. A revolutionized society will be the result of the work I am doing, a complete turn-around in all aspects of society. No longer will oppression rule the people. I am setting the people free, opening doors for the free flow of My Spirit throughout the whole earth. No longer will the earth be bound by the power of men. I have brought release to the captives. Freedom shall reign supreme.

Cast your bread upon the water and it will come back to you. Dive into the new. Enjoy your freedom, your release from captivity. Bring liberty to those bound by the traditions of men and joy shall be in the house. No longer will a stigma be placed upon My elect, those chosen, but they shall gladly be welcomed into fellowship. I am opening doors and no man will be able to close them. I have pried them open and shall hold them open. Triumph over injustice. Come into agreement with Me that I have conquered every foe and am moving on behalf of My people. I am making My covenant promises real in their lives.

Prosper and be in good health. I am releasing an abundance in this day. Step up to receive your portion. Gain entrance into the Holy Place, the place of liberty and joy, peace and delight. Move into the depth of My Spirit and I will reveal to you things to come. Detail upon detail shall be released, so be faithful to the call. Confirm the word spoken world-wide of a new world order established by the Lord of Hosts who is mighty in battle. Dispel the lies of the enemy, give no ear to them. This is the day of the renewing of all things, transformed lives and a new focus.

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