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A DAY OF RAPID CHANGE - May 24, 2022

“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”

“The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.”

“The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.”

I am moving to bring about My perfect will, My plan in your midst. Be encouraged that I am moving forward to disband the ungodly, to take away their control and to give freely to multitudes who have not bowed a knee to the enemy, who have not abandoned the will of the Lord to submit themselves to the plans of men. Bring forth the treasures from the vaults of the ungodly and deposit them into the work of the Lord, a work to benefit mankind, a work that will prove to be a witness of the love of God in a world of doubt and fear. I am changing the scenery. I am mobilizing My troops to go in and take the land. I am putting into the hands of faithful servants, resources to minister life and liberty to the captives. Benefit from the outpouring. Capture the heart of the Father for the nations and flow in the river of God flowing to the nations. A day won’t go by except that I accomplish My will in the midst of the people and demonstrate Myself to this generation.

I am moving in power and I am taking ground from the enemy. I am building My house and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Increase in wisdom and understanding. Expand your thinking, and you will begin to see the effects all around you. Come to see that I have, indeed, intervened to open up to you a treasure chest of good news. I have brought it to your attention and you shall gain insight into those things that I am revealing in this day.

I am able to take an impossible situation and turn it around to bring about My perfect will. I will take away power from those who seek to hem you in, box you in, and use you for gain. I will not allow greed of men to prevail. I will disrupt their attempts to use others for their own gain. I will take away credit and give it to another who seeks solely to bring glory to the Lord. This is the day of change. I am bringing such change that the old shall be no more. Rapid change will overthrow the kingdoms of the world. Watch to see how I take back what the enemy has stolen. I have a plan to reach the nations with health and well being, but only those who seek to bless will be a part of this plan.

Institutional programs will come to a halt. I am on the move to eliminate mistrust and to bring assurance to those who diligently seek Me for counsel in this day. The old way is ineffective to produce fruit of righteousness in the hearts of the people. Traditions of men only hold the people back from entering into the fullness of My Spirit. Rules and regulations of men hold to an unacceptable standard, one that is blemished, one that denies the power of the risen Lord. I am moving My Beloved on and out from under the authority of men. They shall come into union with their Lord, bask in His love, experience His healing touch upon their lives, and be directed into the way of everlasting joy.

A river is running through the land. Whoever drinks of it shall come into understanding. I am releasing a fuller flow, torrents of rain, and the river shall run full-force through the land and the barren ground shall come to life, for it shall overflow its banks and water the desert lands. This is the day of the fulfillment of My word concerning revival in the land. My fire shall be released upon the earth and the heat shall increase and the pressure upon the lives of the people to surrender all unto Me shall be great. I will not allow the unfruitful to hold positions of honor, but I shall displace them and replace them with those filled to capacity with My love and fervor. I am a jealous God and I shall jealously protect what is mine. I have deposited gold into the lives of those who sought Me with all their heart, great treasure beyond compare, great worth that cannot be measured.

Broken pieces have been brought together, broken hearts mended. Out of the brokenness I have been building. Out of the shattering I have been able to get the attention of My Beloved, for I desire to be your healer, your lover, your heart’s desire, that you look to no other. I will put the fire within your bones, holy fire that burns away the chaff. I desire to ignite your heart with passion for the Bridegroom. Are you lifeless, broken, unfit for use by the Master? Come to Me and I shall fill you to the full with My love and tenderness. Come to the waters and drink. Bask in My presence and let Me bring life to your dry bones.

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