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A CALL TO HOLINESS - July 12, 2022

“What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, “I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”

2 Corinthians 6:16-18

“Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.”

Fear not, for in this day, a mighty move of the Spirit of God is going forth throughout the earth. The sound is of the earth quaking. There is great movement among the peoples, for a great shaking is taking place and everything that is not of the Lord is being shaken off. The shaking will increase and continue to shake off the things that hinder My people from going forth in the calling placed upon their lives. The bindings are being loosened and a passion and reverence for the Lord is being released into the earth. Soon every blinder will be shaken off and the people shall see Me clearly, for in this day, I am revealing Myself to the nations. I will come to those who seek Me. I will reveal My heart and My mind to them. They shall ask and I shall answer. There will be nothing I withhold from those who earnestly seek Me.

There is a way that seems right, but leads to death. Hear the voice of the Spirit. Make every effort to enter by the narrow gate. The time is here. The time is now when the Son of Man shall enter His sanctuary. Come out from among the heathen. Separate yourself from the schemes of the devil. Put your trust in the Lord, for in this day, the tide is turning. I am calling My people into holiness. No longer shall the ways of the world bind up those who seek to do My will. I am a jealous God and I am taking back what the enemy has stolen. I am raising up a people who will walk in the light and there will be no darkness in them. My hand is reaching out, and with an outstretched arm I am gathering those who are willing to come out of defilement and to walk in holiness. Put your trust in Me and I will show you the way. I will direct your path. All have gone astray as sheep without a shepherd, but I am gathering in those who hear My voice and obey. I have a ministry prepared, and in this day I am setting out the stakes. The ground plan is being marked out. To those who seek Me, I will reveal the overall plan. Continue to seek Me. Wait upon Me. I desire to reveal My heart to you.

I am building upon this ground and the area and formation is staked out. Soon the work I have prepared will be revealed and those who are called to it will take their place. The chalk lines are being drawn and the shape is coming into view. Soon you will understand step by step how the building will be formed up. The past structure is being removed, and a new building is taking its place, and just as new lumber is used in a new building, this new structure is built on a firm foundation and its joints are hinged on the Cornerstone. This building will bear My Name and its banner will be waved high, for I have chosen and marked it for My work.

He who has an ear let him hear. Those who would be instrumental in beginning this work are being moved into the picture. Those who will contribute financially are being moved in place. Recognize that the links are all part of the building of the structure. Make every effort to act. Do not hesitate, but go forward in what I have shown you. The contacts are in place and they have been revealed, so go with them. Each step you take has been marked out, so step forward. You will marvel at how these pieces of the puzzle fit together. The door is being opened. As it opens, walk through it and you will discover the next piece to the puzzle. I am unlocking the doors. I am taking the ground. I am establishing the Word of the Lord in this place and this will be a witness to the community. My Word will be established among the people and My voice will be heard. In this hour those who are called are about to enter into the work that has been prepared for them and I will provide everything that is needed. Take step one and I will reveal step two. Keep your ears open, for I am ready to speak and give direction.

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