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“Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?”

“But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.”

“But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6

“You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you.”

I will run with you. I will hold your hand and run with you. Do not be afraid to run. The way is clear. All bondages have been broken off and you are free to run with the wind. I will take you further than you have imagined. You will be well-equipped with every good gifting, and every weight will be removed from your feet that you may run with great speed and endurance. I have sent many out to break the ground, to blaze the path, and I am sending them out to go forth with great speed to accomplish the purposes of My heart in this day.

The prophetic will flow freely and nothing will be able to dam it up. Flow in the Spirit, for its power shall be at work within and through My anointed ones to minister life to those who hear. There shall be abundant joy and freedom in the assembly as the power of the Spirit flows forth to apprehend the enemy and trample him underfoot.

It is a new day that has dawned and a new life is being given to those who have sought the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength. The old shall be no more. It will not be able to hold My loved ones back, to trip them up, or to cause them to stumble and fall. Every root of past failure will be uprooted. My people shall go forth in the calling upon their lives to rise up in the power, anointing, and giftings of the Lord to accomplish His purposes. This is the day and this is the hour in which I am coming to you to rescue you from the accuser of the brethren. I have devised an ambush. No one who says he is strong will remain, but only those who have been broken and brought to nothing will be raised up. Pride is an abomination unto the Lord and I shall bring the proud to nothing.

My Spirit is at work in the land, says the Lord, to tear down every high and lofty thought, everything that exalts itself above the knowledge of the Lord. Only those who seek Me with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength will abound in good works, for their strength is not in themselves, but in the Lord. In their weakness, I shall demonstrate My strength. This is a revelation of the power of God in the earth in this day, that I have chosen the foolish things to shame the wise, that I have chosen a broken vessel to outshine the polished one. My ways are high above those of man and no man is able to comprehend them. You will see the power of your God at work in the humblest vessel. It will not be initiated by human effort, but will manifest when the efforts of men have subsided. You will see a great performance of miraculous signs flowing from those least expected, from those who are untrained and unskilled, but who have stepped out in faith and in human weakness calling upon the Lord to show Himself strong. Just as David did not depend upon the arm of the flesh to deliver Israel from the Philistine army, but declared the name of the Lord and smote Goliath, so will the power of God flow through those who declare that the Lord God alone is able to save and deliver.

I am building the faith of My people. I am causing them to lose hope in the arm of the flesh and to look to the Lord for help and declare that He alone is their source. I am whittling away at the fiber of their being. I am taking away the prizes won by human efforts and confiscating the glory from those who sought to glorify themselves. They shall be stripped naked and stand ashamed among those who put their trust in the Lord. There is coming a great shaking, a great testing of the motives of the hearts of men and judgement is coming to those who have traded their inheritance for the praise of men and for the glory of self.

Many have mocked the workings of My Spirit in this day. Many have scoffed at those who chose to believe the promises of God to this generation. Many have maliciously attacked those who chose to follow the risen Lord, and a day of reckoning is at hand and a day of recompense awaits those who faithfully follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Do not give up hope. Do not listen to the taunts of the religious Pharisee who seeks to please men, but hearken to the voice of the Shepherd calling you into obedience, into holiness, and into the fullness of His Spirit, for the prize awaits those who remain faithful and endure till the end.

I am taking you on a trip. I am giving you wings to fly upon the heights. I am guiding you and causing you to glide through the storms of life with great grace. Your wings will not be crumpled, but will remain spread open wide and I will carry you. I will carry you far and wide. I will show you things to come. I will open the windows of heaven and take you up into the storehouses to adorn you with great beauty and riches that are not of the world. Their radiance will shine forth and many will be drawn by the power of their beauty. I will soak you in My presence and the fragrance of My presence shall be upon you and its beauty will draw the people unto Me. I will anoint and baptize you with My presence and it shall be seen in you. I will do it! I will renew your mind and transform it by the power of My Spirit. All its thoughts shall be those of the Father.

I am coming to the nations in power and glory to smite the enemy and set the captives free, to loose the oppressed and bind up the broken hearted. My Word shall reach to the ends of the earth to bring life to the hopeless. It shall be sent out, carried on the wing by My servants. Do not grow weary. Do not allow complacency to take root. I am sealing the work that has been done. It will not go unrewarded, but it will go forth to yield abundant fruit. I am increasing the yield in this day. Every seed sown will come to fruition and the harvest shall be great. I am bringing in the lost, the strays, those who have wandered away from the truth. I am reinstating them into the Kingdom of God. My messengers shall be girded up and given wings to fulfill the purposes of God ordained for this day.

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