Shirley Lise
Welcome to my Prophetic Journal webpage!
This page highlights prophetic words received from the Lord while meditating on Him and positioning myself to hear His voice including those pertaining to God’s end-time move of the Holy Spirit amongst His church, the Bride of Christ, but also in the world and within the world systems. Insight is given into the Lord’s plan to strengthen, equip, and encourage those who belong to Him in the days ahead for the work of the ministry and to bring an end-time harvest of new believers into His kingdom as He fully establishes it upon the earth. These messages admonish us to keep our eyes on the Lord in the challenging times we are in and to make ourselves ready for His imminent return.
These writings are presented in video format on my YouTube channel and my intent for posting each daily word here is to provide a downloadable printable copy for reference to each video as well as giving access to previous archived posts, giving further opportunity to reflect on the word presented.
Thank you for taking time to consider these excerpts. May they richly instruct, encourage, and bless you as you read and view them!
To visit my channel please go to Youtube.com., search for me by name, and click on the channel icon or find me on Rumble.com.
Blessings in Christ,
Shirley Lise

PROPHETIC JOURNAL BOOK 3 is third in the series of journals highlighting prophetic words from the Lord presented in video format on Youtube.com from January, 2022 through to December, 2022. Available soon for purchase from Amazon channels worldwide.

PROPHETIC JOURNAL BOOK l is the first in a series of prophetic journals highlighting writings presented in video format on a YouTube channel dating from December 30, 2020 through till June 29, 2021. It is compiled of prophetic word received while meditating on the Lord and being positioned to hear His voice. Topics covered include those pertaining to God’s end-time move of the Holy Spirit amongst His church, the Bride of Christ, but also in the world and within the world systems. Insight is given into the Lord’s plan to strengthen, equip, and encourage those who belong to Him in the days ahead for the work of the ministry and to bring an end-time harvest of new believers into His kingdom as He fully establishes it upon the earth. These messages admonish us to keep our eyes on the Lord in the challenging times we are in and to make ourselves ready for His imminent return.
$15.00 CDN/$11.50 USD

PROPHETIC JOURNAL BOOK 2 highlights prophetic words from July 2021 to December 2021. $10.50 CDN/$8.50 USD