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I am putting the house in order, putting the household in order, putting the household of God in order, lining all things up with My divine plumb line.

Get the house in order. To do this, I ask that you fix what needs fixing. Look at a house, a dilapidated house. What you do is go in and fix it up, bring it up to standard. Well, I am asking you to do this in every area of your life, to bring it up to standard. And what is the standard you ask? Everything I have given you has been entrusted to you. I would ask that you look after it properly, that you be a good steward of it. How do you do this, you ask? By looking at what needs to be done and bringing it up to standard.

Your house and home have been entrusted to you. Look at it and bring it up to standard. What needs to be done? Does anything need fixing? Fix it. Is it clean and is everything in it in order, or is is dirty and out of order? This is important. The house needs to be put into order. So look at your home and you will be able to judge whether or not your house is in order.

Do you continually leave things undone? Just as it is in your home, so is it in your life. So, put the house in order. Do those things that need to be done and do not neglect them. You will set the example to the next generation. If they see your house out of order, they will live in disorder. So I am asking that you take a good look at these things. Are you teaching and training the next generation to be good stewards of what I have given, or will they squander their wealth on foolishness and neglect the household?

I am setting a standard, says the Lord. It is a standard of holiness and requires that the house be put in order. So look around you and check to see if things that need to be done are getting done and if the house is kept clean. There are some basic things I am addressing that can easily be overlooked, but I ask that you take a look at them. Looking after yourself is important. There are some basic needs to be taken care of, such as getting enough sleep, eating properly, personal hygiene and cleanliness, good work habits, time spent in intimacy with the Lord, and time spent helping and ministering to others. All these need to be in order. Once again, your household reflects whether or not these are in proper order.

Interior Decorating. This is an example to how you can learn about colors and their use. I am about to open your understanding regarding these things. You will see and appreciate the order I have designed in use of color and color schemes. You will see how colors are used to keep a room and house decor harmonized. You will also learn how to arrange furniture, what styles to use. I am opening a panoramic view of interior design and decor to you as an example of My order. You will learn how to put the house in order design-wise. This will help you to see the parallel which I am speaking to you about. Removing clutter is important in good design. You will see its use. Likewise, I ask you to remove clutter form your life. Get rid of those things that distract you and keep you from being focused on what I have called you to do.

Renovate? Renovate is even a stronger word than redecorate. If your life is extremely out of order, you cannot just redecorate, but you need to renovate. As in renovating, you bring everything up to standard by a complete overhaul. Well, I ask you to look at your life to see if you need a complete overhaul. If you do, it is time to begin. So write up the checklist. Jot down those things that are out of order and make a conscious effort to bring them into line.


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